Chapter 18: Photo Jinx

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It was a nice normal evening in Paris, and everyone were just casually going about their daily lives.

But right now, the school of Collège Françoise Dupont were abuzz since it was picture day.

And none were more excited than Marinette.

"I can't wait! I'm going to be in a photo with Adrien again!" She said with squeal and looked at Ruby and Alya, who were sitting right next to her on the stairs.

"Right, 'cause uh– it's a class photo and you're in the same class as Adrien." Alya said with a smile.

Marinette eagerly nods her head. "Amazing, isn't it? This will be our third photo together." She then gasped when she realizes something.

"! What if we're standing in the same row together this time?" Marinette hypothesized.

Alya laughs at her friend's theory since there is no chance since Marinette is shorter than Adrien, she'll probably be in the front or back.

But she chose not to voice this.

However, she didn't need to since Ruby did it for her. "Doubtful, you're shorter than him so you'll probably be in the front."

Pouting Marinette pinches Ruby in the arm. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"That's for crushing my dreams." The designer grumbled.

She then scoffs and turns her head away from her.

Alya rolls her eyes in amusement, "Anyways, just smile and whatever happens, don't forget to breathe!" she teased and playfully bumps her elbow against hers.

"At least you're going to be in the photo." Juleka said from behind them.

Ruby lets out a small yelp and quickly got up. "Juleka you scared me." she said with a sigh.

The quiet girl shrugs her shoulders, "I do that."

Rose looked at her girlfriend with a concerned look. "No, Juleka, I'm telling you, you're not jinxed! This time it's gonna work out, I can feel it, right here!" Placing her hands on her heart, Rose leans against her, making Juleka slightly smile.

"What do you mean that she's jinxed?" Ruby asked.

Juleka sighed in discontent before looking up at them. "Ever since I was little, every time someone takes a photo of me something always goes very wrong."

"That can't be right, there has to be at least one perfect photo of you." Marinette stated.

"No? There was the class photo four years ago, my face got covered up by Max's hand."

"There was also another time when me and Rose were taking a close-up photo and a pigeon blocked my face from view at the very last second."

"And just 3 months ago we were taking a group photo with our friends and Kim had accidentally bumped into me, obscuring half of my face from the photo."

"Yikes. Maybe you are cursed." Ruby muttered.

Which earned her getting hit in the shoulder by Alya, who was looking at her disapprovingly.

"You're wrong, Juleka, you'll see." Rose reassured.

Marinette nods her head, "For sure! We'll do everything we can to make sure it goes right this time. Don't forget to smile!"

Juleka smiles at happily at her friend's support.

Soon it was their turn and after their photographer Vincent made sure that everything was ready, he walks over to them.

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