Chapter 11: Our Terms

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Landing on top of a tall building, Ladybug looks back and watches as Chat, Red, and Robin land near her.

"Impressive that you can keep up with us, despite not having magic." She stated smugly.

"Eh, not like it's hard especially with our special skills." Red stated with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Speaking of skills, how is it Batman allowed you into his team? I heard he hated meta-humans." Chat Noir stated.

"He doesn't hate them. He's just cautious mainly since he knows that if something happens that resulted in one of his comrades getting brainwashed or turning to the side of evil, it's always good to have a backup plan." Red proclaimed.

"If that's the case, is the rumor that Batman has a giant stash of green kryptonite behind a giant lead vault door true?" Ladybug questioned.


Chat whistles, "Wow."

Suddenly at that moment a boom-tube opened behind the young heroes and while Chat Noir and Ladybug all got in a defensive pose with their weapons out.

Robin and Red realize what it was and stayed calm as, Grimm, Batman, and Wonder Woman stepped out.

"Oh no." Red sighed, already knowing why her dad is here.

"Rosebud!" Grimm exclaimed as he quickly goes over to her and places his hands on her shoulders.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine dad."

Grimm frowns and places his hands on her cheeks, smushing them, and began moving her head from side to side to see if there was any more damage.

"Are you sure? No broken bones? Head damage?"

Groaning, Red pulls his hands away and took a step back. "I'm fine, really. Ladybug's Miraculous Cure fixes everything after all. It's the reason why I'm still even here."

Feeling like a giant weight was taken off his shoulders, Grimm sighs in relief and placed his hand over his fast-beating heart that was starting to slow down.


"Wait...The Grimm Reaper is your dad?!" Chat exclaimed in shock.

Grimm looks at the Parisian duo. "So, this is the heroes of Paris?"

"Yes, we are sir." Ladybug proclaimed.

Walking forward, Wonder Woman stops right in front of the bug themed hero. "Ladybug?"


"I just want to say that it is an honor to be meeting you."

Ladybug smiled bashfully at the fact that she was just complimented by the Amazonian princess, and role model to independent women around the globe, herself included.

"I...Uh...thank you. But you don't need to praise me, I think meeting you is even better."

Wonder Woman laughs, "Oh you jest. You are the holder of the Ladybug Miraculous and have shown time and time again that you are a remarkable warrior that deserves my praise and your mantle."

"Now onto business, we need to know everything you know so we can defeat Hawkmoth." Batman stated.

Frowning, Ladybug narrowed her eyes at the Dark Knight.

And to the shock of many, the look in her eyes was comparable to the Bat Glare.

Scoffing, the hero of luck places her hands on her hips. "Now hold on. Before we do anything, I'm just going to make myself clear."

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