Chapter 59: Garde Royale

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Back at the school, after Ruby was named Queen, the party went on as normal.

Getting off the stage, Ruby looks at Damian who was waiting for her at the bottom and once she was close enough, he takes her hand in his and kisses her knuckles.

"Your majesty." He said playfully.

Ruby giggles as her and him go back to the dance floor to have some fun.

"I think I'm going to get some punch." Juleka proclaimed.

Rose grabs Juleka's hand and looked up at her with a concerned expression. "Juleka, are you sure you're, ok?"

The punk girl sighs before she turned around and gave Rose a convincing smile. "I'm fine Rose."

Frowning, Rose lets her go and was about to offer to go with her but then some friends from the art club were calling her over.

"You should go, I'll be fine." Juleka reassured.

Rose looks back and forth between Juleka and her friends before she sighs in defeat. "Fine." With that Rose walked over to her friends.

With her gone, Juleka made her way over to the punch bowl but after she was sure that she was out of Rose's sight, she walks into a different direction.

Walking through the crowd, Juleka finally made it to her destination which was the locker rooms.

Slamming the doors open, Juleka makes her way inside and went into the bathroom.

Where she stands in front of a sink before looking up at the mirror for a moment before a tear rolled down her face in sadness.

Growling in anguish, Juleka slams her fist on the sink. "It should've been me!" She hissed in dejection and soon her mascara started to rain down.

Back at the party, everyone was still having the time of their lives and while people were dancing, Chloé had decided to stop and went over to the punch bowl again.

But this time she had gotten a cup of water.

And upon seeing that Chloé was alone, Kim decided that this was the perfect opportunity to woo her over.

Putting his hands on the table, Kim smiles flirtishly at her or what he thinks is a flirty smile and tried to greet her. "Hey, Chl—"

Not even giving him the honor of a glance, Chloé does a stop motion with her hand and held it up to Kim's face and cuts him off.

"I will not be dancing with you Kim."

Kim groans in annoyance. "Oh, come on! Wouldn't you like to have a big, strong handsome guy dance with you. I'm way better than scrawny Nathaniel."

Scoffing, he crosses his arms. "What's so great about him anyway? All he does is draw all day, he's the opposite of manly! Heck, I'm willing to bet all of my trophies that he can't even do 5 pushups."

Chloé looks at the jock in annoyance that he's dissing Nathaniel out of jealousy and to make himself seem superior in comparison just because he's bulkier than Nathaniel.

Who despite his appearance is actually stronger than he looks.

The fact that he's able to pull a high-powered bow with ease or throw her like she weighed nothing is evident proof of that.

"Says the guy that let himself get pimped slapped by a computer and cried." She then smiles as she thinks back to that day. "But Nathaniel, he came to our rescue like a brave knight and shining armor."

Unknowing to her, her face started to turn red as she thinks about how cool and heroic Nathaniel was in that very moment.

Noticing the blush on her cheeks, Kim growled angrily and looked at the crowd and saw Nathaniel talking with some fellow artists about something the jock could not care about in the slightest.

An Assassin's Rose: HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora