Chapter 33: Enigma

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"Hey, have you seen Chloé?" Juleka asked two students who were talking.

The students shake their heads and Juleka sighed as she kept asking around.

But it was starting to get irritating, how is it that the girl that is the very definition of an attention seeker and thus makes a spectacle of herself 24 hours a day hasn't been seen by anyone?!

"Attention students, the talent show will be starting in a half-hour from now so head to the theater room to get situated." Principal Damocles announced.

"Ugh!!! Oh, come on!" The punk girl said in anger.

"Whoa there little tiger, what's got you angry." Kim asked as he walked over to his classmate.

"I'm looking for Chloé. Have you seen her or Sabrina?"

Kim hums as he thinks about it before nodding his head in confirmation. "Yep!"

Her mood quickly changing, Juleka looked at him with hope in her eyes. "Really? Where?"

"I bumped into Sabrina at the lockers 10 minutes ago."

"Great, do you know where she's at now?"

Kim hums as he thinks about it again before answering. "I think I saw her upstairs, so I guess she might be in our classroom."

He then lets out a grunt when Juleka hugs him so tightly that he could not breathe.

But what was more shocking was the fact that despite her appearance she's surprisingly stronger than she looks since his feet were slightly off the ground. "Thank you, Kim, you are a lifesaver! If I wasn't gay, I'd kiss you!"

Dropping the shocked jock, Juleka took off like Usain Bolt.

Power walking upstairs, she looks around until she spotted them in the empty classroom.

And Chloé was still messing with her Rubik's cube and was clearly getting irritated that she hasn't found a way to complete it.

"Why would someone ever make something so confusing and frustrating?!"

She lets out a growl of irritation as she keeps trying. "Ugh! Why doesn't these things come with a cheat sheet?!"

Sabrina stayed silent and just kept looking back at her phone, which was reaching 9 minutes.

"Uh Chloé, maybe we should head back and put Juleka's cube back. You heard Principal Damocles; the talent show will start soon."

"I know what that fool said! Besides, I told him I wanted to be last so everyone can see what real talent is after everyone else does their pathetic little acts."

Narrowing her eyes, Juleka marches through the opened door and grabbed the Rubik's cube from the blonde's hands.

"Hey! I wasn't finished." Chloé exclaimed in irritation.

"Tough Luck Chloé! It's mine and you had no right to take it from me!" Juleka said angrily.

Chloé rolls her eyes, "Of course I do, I'm the Daughter of the Mayor of Paris, I can take what I want."

"If that's the case then you should ask your daddy to buy you some common decency!"

Juleka turns around and walks out of the classroom but Chloé was not about to admit defeat, Especially to Juleka.

Getting out of her seat, she ran over to Juleka and grabs the cube but Juleka had a strong grip on it. "I'm not finished with that!" Chloé exclaimed.

"Let go!"

"Not until I prove to you that I'm better than you!"

"I highly doubt that!"

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