Chapter 47: Riposte

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Back at the school, both Damian and Adrien ran after the Challenger.

And as they did, Adrien grabs the Challenger's saber from the ground as he goes.

The Challenger was about to get into his car when Adrien called out to him. "Hey! Wait! Your saber!"

The Challenger throws his glove into the car and removes his helmet, turning to look at the boys, revealing that the challenger was a girl.

It was around this time that both Marinette and Ruby had caught up with the boys.

Adrien gasp, momentarily stunned by her appearance, and while she was beautiful, he could not help but feel like he was looking at Ladybug.

Which is strange since minus the dark blue hair, the freckles, and the bright red outfit, they really don't share anything else in common.

"Why did you not accept Mr. D'Argencourt's offer? I mean you were awesome." He then looks down and notices the girl's ring, which seemed oddly familiar to him.

"What's the point? He won." The girl gestures to Damian before looking back at the blonde. "There's no such thing as a second best in my family. Goodbye." She gets into her car, which drives off.

"H-Hey! What's your name?" Adrien questioned.

"You might have a chance on the fencing team after all!" Tikki stated as she peeks out from Ruby's backpack.

Damian looked at the car in disbelief that someone with exceptional talent is forfeiting just because she lost, and that fact made his blood boil. "Oh, hell no! I refuse to let this stand!" He growled.

Adrien nods his head, "Glad to know we're on the same page. Come on!" With that the boys run over to where Adrien's car was waiting for him, get in and Adrien points at the red car. "Follow that car!"

The girls watch the car drive off, but their attention was shifted when they saw a Akuma flying past.

Marinette gasp in horror especially when she saw that it was following Adrien. "An Akuma!" The girl runs after it, ducking into the metro station to transform. "Better capture it before it turns someone into a villain!"

"I have a feeling I know who it is." Ruby stated.

Tikki flies out of Ruby's backpack and said, "At your service, Marinette!"

"Quick! Adrien is in danger!" Ruby then lets out a fake cough and crosses her arms. "Oh, Damian too."

Getting serious, Marinette moves her hair away from her ears. "Tikki, Spots On!"

Ruby on the other hand looked down at her watch and muttered. "Vestimentum Muto!" Overtaken by a bright red light, the Huntress was magically transformed into her superhero persona. "Awesome!" She muttered happily.

Now ready for battle, the girls take their leave.

Meanwhile with the mysterious girl, as her car stops at a red light, she calls her mother.

Which instantly went to voicemail.

Mother: I'm not available at the moment. Leave a message.

"Mother, you thought I was good enough, but...I lost. I won't be joining the D'Argencourt Academy." She hangs up and sits back in her seat with her eyes closed.

She then looks down at her ring and lets out another discontented sigh.

And she was so busy looking at it that she did not notice the Akuma squeeze through the closed window and fly into her ring.

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