Chapter 86: Frightingale

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In the trailer, Clara drops to the floor as she continues to cry.

The Akuma flies into the trailer, and enters Clara's microphone, causing the butterfly image to appear on Clara's face.

She looks up with a scowl as Hawk Moth speaks to her.

"Frightningale, I am Hawk Moth. So, they tried to silence you? With the power I'm giving you, the world will be nothing but song and dance!"

Yes, Hawk Moth, thank you,
For making this dream come true!

Clara said as she got up and spoke into her microphone.

Thus, activating her transformation into Frightingale.

Meanwhile outside, Audrey claps several times for attention as she addresses the extras.

"The show is over! You all have to leave now!" She then starts to laugh evilly in triumph.

The extras just looked at each other for a few seconds before sighing in defeat and began to leave.

"You are utterly ridiculous! Things are ruined thanks to you!" Chloé exclaimed angrily.

Audrey scoffed at how ungrateful her daughter is being.

"Oh, please! You should be thanking me."

She then sneers at Nathaniel and lowers her sunglasses down for a few seconds.

Before she pushes them back up and looked at her daughter with a disproving stare.

"Besides, if you think I'm going to let you be seen with that Plebian on international TV. Then you have another thing coming."

Chloé looked at her mother with wide eyes before she started to glare at her with so much rage.

That it was surprising that Audrey had not combusted on the spot.

"Are you telling me...." Chloé began to say, pure rage and venom laced through her tone.

"That you did all this just so I wouldn't be seen with MY BOYFRIEND?!"

People flinched back at the deep thundering volume of the young blonde's voice.

Unashamed for what she did, Audrey answered truthfully.

"Of course."

Crossing her arms, she scoffs again and continued to speak.

"It's bad enough that you post pictures of you two together on your social media."

As Audrey continued to speak, Chloé calmly walks off the stage.

But judging by the thundering sound of her footsteps and the deadly glare on her face.

The blonde-haired girl was about to raise hell onto her mother.

But the Style Queen was too busy talking to notice.

"But I'm not about to let you tarnish my good name by being on an international music video with hi—"

Before she could finish her sentence, a very loud slap echoed through the air and made everyone freeze.

Additionally, what soon followed was the sound of Audrey's billion-dollar sunglasses falling to the floor.

And the Style Queen herself falling straight on her ass with a loud thump.

Everyone was so gobsmacked that it was quiet enough that you could hear a pin drop.

And Audrey just sat there completely still, with wide eyes and her head turned to the right.

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