Chapter 46: Fencing Dual

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Marinette groans as she stands near the opening of an alleyway waiting for Ruby and Damian to finish getting dressed in their civilian clothes.

And the reason she's standing here is because both her and the others had just defeated Mr. Pigeon and Marinette was in a hurry to get home since she was supposed to eat out with her parents for dinner.

Who think that she is in her room studying.

Thankfully, they finally reappeared 2 minutes later. "Finally." Marinette said with a roll of her eyes.

"Well excuse us, some of us can't magically transform into our hero identities." Ruby said as they walked out of the alleyway.

Marinette scoffed, "Well why don't you ask for help from one of the League members that can use magic? Like Dr. Fate, he's an ultra-powerful magic user. Maybe he could make a magical object that could allow you to change clothes instantaneously."

Stopping in their tracks, the Gothamite couple think about it and their eyes widen at the fact that what the designer was saying actually made sense.

Ruby then facepalms at their negligence to realize this. "I'm an idiot! I can't believe I never thought about that!"

Taking pity on her, Marinette pats Ruby's shoulder. "There, there, it just...slipped your mind."

"Anyway, I should get going. See you guys later." She stated and ran off to make it home.

Ruby and Damian shared a glance before they called a limo to pick them up.

Once they made it back home, Ruby walked through the door but was suddenly tackled to the floor.

The Huntress lets out a groan as all the air is knocked out of her lungs, but she had better things to worry about when something wet was wiped across her face.

Opening her eyes, the Huntress was shocked to see that it was Titus. "Titus?!" She said in bewilderment and then looked at Damian.

Who was just as shocked to see their dog here.

Suddenly there was a bark which came from Zwei, who ran over to Damian and stood on his hind legs, the corgi whines and begged to be picked up.

Which the Boy Wonder obliged and held him close.

But he then noticed a piece of paper attached to his collar and took it out and realized that it was a note.

Dear Ruby and Damian, to get to the point, Titus was feeling very lonely since you guys left for Paris and we thought it would be best if he came to live there with you. Also, Dick and Kori are taking us all to Disneyland this weekend so we will be unable to watch both him and Zwei. Hope there is no hard feelings, love Garfield."

Ps. We put their stuff on the couch.

"I don't know if I should be happy or mad." Ruby stated as she got up and scratches Titus behind the ears.

"Both." Damian replied.

"Anyway, I'm gonna call Bruce. Why don't you go walk Titus and Zwei? They probably need to walk around after being cooped up in the apartment for who knows how long."

Nodding his head, Damian grabs the leashes and took the dogs out.

Taking out her scroll, Ruby does a video call with Bruce, who was in the bat cave. "Hey, Bruce."

"Hello Ruby, is there a reason for this call?"

"Yep. I need to talk to Dr. Fate, so I was wondering if you could give me the key."

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