Chapter 50: Robostus

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Meanwhile back in Mr. Damocles drawer, Markov was still crying when the Akuma slides into the drawer and then slides into his brain to reach his internal chip.

"Robostus, I am Hawk Moth. Humans don't believe you're a living being. So, I'm giving you the power to bring all machines to life to help you seek revenge."

"Thank you kindly, Mr. Hawk Moth."

"But, in return, I want you to bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous!"

"Could you please define "Miraculous"?" The robot asked.

"They're the magic jewels belonging to the superheroes."

"Very well. What is the purpose of these jewels?"

Hawk Moth's eyes widen in shock since no one has ever asked him that before. "Hmm?" But he soon became annoyed with Markov's constant questions. "This is none of your concern!"

"I was just being curious." Markov proclaimed.

Hawk Moth had a deadpanned expression on his face before he sighs in annoyance. He then decides that it would be best if he told the robot so the villain can get the ball rolling.

Besides what's the worst that could happen? "If used together, they can make a wish come true."

"Could I make any wish come true?" Markov asked in a hopeful tone.

"No! The Miraculous and the wish will belong to me!" Hawk Moth exclaimed.

"I assure you; I will find Ladybug and Chat Noir!" Markov proclaimed.

Markov transforms into Robostus and unleashes a giant wave of green energy that spreads throughout Paris, bringing numerous mechanical devices in the city to life to revolt against the people using them.

In the streets every mode of transportation had thrown out their drivers and started moving all around not caring if they accidentally run over someone.

In the subway a man was about to get a drink from a vending machine when it suddenly came to life and moved a little. The man was scared but he still tries to get his drink which turned out to be a bad decision since the vending machine and the one next to it started to attack him, so he ran away.

At right Le Grand Paris, Jean-Pascal was serving guests in the restaurant and was about to cut a whole turkey for a nice family when there was a crash from the kitchen.

Everyone looked around in shock for a few seconds before Marlena Césaire and a blonde waitress come running out of the kitchen screaming as all the electronics chased after them and soon everyone else in there made a run for it as well.

And finally at the Louvre Palace, several electronics attacked the guests.

Furthermore, the escalators started going off and on and would occasionally go into the opposite direction while there were still people on it.

Back at the school, Mr. Damocles's lamp had turned on and moved around to look at Robostus as he flew out of the drawer.

"Max, my friend, I'm coming to get you!" The Akumatized robot proclaimed.

Meanwhile outside Mr. Damocles's office the principal was talking to a male teacher.

Marinette breathes heavily as she ran up the stairs to approached them. "Mr. Damocles, where's Markov?"

The principal looks at her in confusion. "Hmm? Who's Markov?"

"Max's friend." Mr. Damocles sighs in annoyance at the very mention of that robot. "Ah! Not that toy again!"

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