Chapter 9: New Friends, New Discoveries

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But after 3 more days of saying this she was frankly becoming sick of it since she's sure that she has looked through about a thousand or more footage.

And so, she acted accordingly to her frustrations.

By grabbing a pillow, falling onto her back on the bed, placed the pillow on her face and began to scream bloody murder while kicking her legs up.

In addition to this, Damian was sitting on the bed reading a book.

Taking his eyes off his book for a moment, he stared down at her with a calm expression and asked, "That bad?"

The huntress lets out a muffled "Yes!!"

"You know we could just have my shadows follow them when they show up again." Damian offered.

Groaning, Ruby tosses the pillow and looks at her boyfriend with a deadpanned expression.

"True, but we don't know when another Akuma attack will happen. Yes, Hawkmoth usually attacks 2 to 3 times a week but that will probably not be the case all the time. Unlike most villains, we do not know his identity since he purposely works in the shadows."

"Furthermore, you have to remember that once you're branded as a criminal it becomes very hard to find a job that are willing to take you despite your past. And while Hawkmoth is branded as such, the person behind the mask isn't."

Scoffing and rolling her eyes, Ruby then adds. "And I highly doubt that sending out evil magic butterflies will be enough to pay the bills to ensure that he has a roof over his head."

"You're worried that we might be long gone by the time he sends out another Akuma." Damian said understanding what she was trying to tell him.

"Yes. Your dad might be a billionaire, but we can't exactly camp out in this hotel waiting for an Akuma attack. People would get suspicious on why our stay was prolonged."


Sighing, Ruby gets up, walks over to a window, and opens the door to get some fresh air.

"This sucks!" she exclaimed to high heaven not caring if people heard her.

And almost like the world decided to do something about it, her scroll rings.

Grabbing her scroll, Damian looks at the ID. "It's Lady Sabine."

"Do you really have to call her Lady?" Ruby questioned as she walks over and grabs her scroll.

"She may have defected, but she is still one of the strongest assassins that the League had ever trained. So, it's appropriate to give her a title benefiting to her exceptional skill."

Rolling her eyes in amusement Ruby answers the call. "Hello Auntie Sabine, what can I do for you today?"

"Ruby I don't know if it's too much to ask. But can you help Marinette?"

"With what exactly?"

"She's babysitting Manon and one of her friend's younger twin sisters who are also 8-years old. But she just remembered that she has a summer project that she needs to complete before the school year starts up again. And her father and I can't help her since we're about to leave for a romantic evening we had planned for today."

"Sure, I love to help."

"Great. When can you come over?"

"Right. Now, I have nothing better to do."

"Alright then. See you later."


And with that she hanged up.

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