Chapter 45: The Return of Lady Wifi

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Throughout the rest of the car ride, the woman was yelling and chastising her daughter even more.

"When we get home, I want you to get your ticket for that weeklong trip to Disneyland and cut it up. Since you won't be going anymore."

Alya looked at her in shock. "What?! But the trip is 2 months away?! How long am I grounded for?!"

"A month."

Alya was about to ask on why she's not going to Disneyland if she's only grounded for a month, But Marlena talked over her and said, "But that does not matter. We were going on that trip because your father and I thought that you and your little sisters deserve it."

"But it's quite obvious after the stunt you pulled that you don't deserve it. So, you will not be joining us."

Alya's mouth hanged opened in shock and despair that she won't be able to go to Disneyland.

It was a trip she was looking forward to since she was planning on having fun, eating food, enjoying the rides, taking pictures of the park and the inside of Cinderella's Castle. And she was even planning on trying to interview the princesses.

But now all of those plans are down the drain! And she knew that she only had herself to blame for it.

"And after you're done getting rid of your ticket you can either decide to send a sincere long-written apology to both Marinette and Ruby or tell them in person."

"Then after you're done with that, you're going to give me all of your electronics, no laptop, no phone, no TV, and especially no tablet!"

Alya looked at her mom in shock and objected to the loss of her electronics since she needs them for the PowerPoint. "What? But mom, I need my electronics for my PowerPoint project with Nino!"

"Then you can use them while being supervised by either me, your father or your sister. And we'll see if we can have it so you can video call Nino for your project as well." Marlena proclaimed.

Gritting her teeth, she spares her daughter a scathing glance before turning her gaze back towards the road. "You should be glad that I'm not trying to make you delete your blog because I am very close to considering it after the stunt you pulled!"

And just like that the world around Alya went quiet with horror.

Her mom cannot be serious!? She can't delete the Ladyblog, It's her pride and joy!!

It's practically the symbol that shows that she will be a great reporter in the future.

"What? But you can't make me do that!? The Ladyblog is my life!"

Sighing in annoyance, Marlena momentarily takes her eyes off the road to glare down at her daughter again.

And said daughter flinched back when she saw the anger coursing through her eyes.

The chef then looks back at the road but continued to speak. "That may be so, but it does not escape the fact that you decided that it was ok to steal another girl's phone just for views!"

Marlena pinches the bridge of her nose to massage the headache that was slowly forming from all the yelling and because of how annoyed she is at her daughter right now.

"Never in my life did I think that one of my own children would stoop so low, I raised you better than this."

"Not to mention you were horrible to your own best friend! What you did was enough to make her breakdown in tears! It's quite amazing that she wasn't Akumatized."

Alya opened her mouth to say something but she closes it and just sat there looking out of her window at the beautiful sunset sky with an expression of shame and regret written on her face.

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