Chapter 84: True Strength

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Meanwhile, Chat Noir is running in front of the Ferris wheel, which is still rolling towards the Seine.

He then spots two lion statues.

Getting an idea he throws his staff, which expands when it neared the lions and fell into their open mouths.

Thankfully, it was just what he needed to stop the ride from moving.

Afterwards, he helps the remaining civilians out of the Ferris wheel.

"Thank you, Chat Noir." A female civilian said gratefully.

With that she left with her son.

Appearing onto the scene, Ladybug walks over to her partner.

"You do pretty well without me, I see!"

Chat Noir smiles smugly at the bug themed superheroine.

"Yup, but it's so much nicer when you're here, Milady!"

"Let's go show that spider what two superheroes are capable of!" Ladybug proclaimed.

Taking out their weapons the heroes took off in the direction that Anansi went in.

"Should we call Red and Robin?" Chat Noir asked.

"No. We can handle this on our own, just like we've done before." Ladybug answered.

"Besides, they should have a chance to spend time with their niece." She added.

"Fair enough!"

Meanwhile with Nino, he is crawling on the street, trying to avoid cobwebs.

And when he made it to the end, he stands up and saw that Anansi had Alya stuck to a spiderweb.

In between the Arc de Triomphe.

"Alya!" He exclaimed and ran towards her.

"Nino! Don't stick around!" Alya warned.

Right above her, Anansi was hanging upside down from her web and smirked at Nino.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is!"

Skidding to a stop, Nino was out of breath and took a second to catch it before he looks up.

"Anansi! You let Alya go right now!" He ordered.

"Oh, yeah?" Anansi jumps down to Nino and towers over him to make him feel small.

"And how exactly is a weak little flyweight gonna force me to release my prisoner?"

Gulping in fear, Nino takes a step back before he looks at her with an angry expression.

Letting out a war cry, he rushes forward and tried to hit Anansi.

But she stops him by placing one hand on his head.

Chuckling in evil amusement, she picks him up with ease and throws him through the air.

As he soared through the air, screaming in terror, Ladybug and Chat Noir had arrived.

Upon seeing him, Ladybug extends her yoyo and grabs him out of the air and into her arms.

"Watch out! You need to leave this to the professionals!" She stated.

She lowers Nino to the ground before she took off to deal with Anansi with Chat Noir.

However, Nino was not about to run and hide while his girlfriend is in danger.

And so, he runs back to the Arc de Triomphe.

"This isn't over, spider!" He exclaimed.

Landing in front of Anansi, the Miraculous Duo glared at her and got in defensive poses.

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