Chapter 78: Love is in the Air

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Sleeping peacefully, Ruby lays in her bed, letting the warm rays of the sun shine down onto her.

But soon she lets out a small groan as she turns on her side.

Suddenly, the door quietly opens, and Damian peeks his head in.

And upon seeing her still asleep, he continues to quietly open the door before setting Zwei down.

"Go on Zwei." He muttered softly and urged the corgi to walk into the room.

Which revealed that he was wearing a black tux with red hearts on it.

And around his neck was a red collar that made it appear that he had on a cute little red bow.

Panting, Zwei walks over to his owner and jumps onto the bed.

Where he then began to lick her cheek to wake her up.

Giggling, Ruby opened one of her eyes. "Zwei!"

Sitting up, Ruby took a few seconds of eye rubbing and yawning to wake up before she looks down at her dog.

Upon realizing that he was wearing a cute little doggie tux, the huntress lets out a surprised squeal at how cute her little pooch is.

"Awwwwwww! Aren't you just the cutest little gentleman!"

Picking Zwei up, Ruby hugs the corgi happily and giggles at all the kisses that she was getting.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too." She muttered.

There is another bark and when Ruby looked up, she saw Titus in his own Valentine's tux.

But the only difference was that he had a little top hat with a rose sewed to the side.

Which of course made the huntress feel like she was dying from cuteness overload.

Setting Zwei down on her lap, Ruby reaches out with her hands once Titus was close enough and hugged him.

"Awwwww! Who's my handsome big boy!" She said and giggled as Titus gives her some kisses too.

But she then smells something delicious and hums in delight.

Getting up, Ruby walks out of her room with her beloved dogs and walked down the stairs.

And the thing she came across was Damian setting breakfast down on the table.

And the thing she came across was Damian setting breakfast down on the table

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