Chapter 66: A Foolish Owl

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"Sleepover at your place tonight? That'd be awesome!" Marinette said to Alya as they leave the school.

Mr. Damocles claps his hands as they pass by. "Come on! Hurry up! I don't have all day!"

Marinette sighs in displeasure. "Except...ugh...I can't. I-I have to help my parents at the bakery."

"Again? But you've been helping them out all week!" Alya said as her and Marinette leave the school.

Marinette looked at her with an apologetic smile since half of that time she's been training with Diana.

Which not surprisingly takes a while since Diana is forced to train both her and Chat Noir one at a time because of them keeping their identities a secret.

But she's not complaining, she was already a good fighter before she got the Ladybug Miraculous but Diana's training that comes with her essential training is really something amazing and informative.

Especially when they found out that since they were still at a level of a novice power wise, it takes a lot out of their Kwamis to maintain the transformation hence why they could only use it once.

But unfortunately, she wished that were the only reason that she has been snubbing her time with Alya.

And the reason for her displeasure is because her and her fellow heroes have to deal with a new annoyance that has nothing to do with Hawk Moth.

"Yeah, but that's life for you." Marinette stated.

Nearby were Adrien and Nino, who were also talking as they made their way out of the school. "Online gaming battle? I'm free."

"Cool! Wait 'till you check out my enhanced weaponry! You won't stand a chance!" Nino proclaimed.

Mr. Damocles claps his hands to Nino and Adrien. "Come on! Chop-chop! Hurry along now!"

Adrien sighs in frustration and facepalms and looks at Nino as they walked out of the school. "I forgot I got Chinese class."

Nino frowns in displeasure. "Again? But we haven't played all week."

"I'm sorry, Nino." Adrien sadly looks back behind him while he walks away with his friend.

And the last teens that where making their way outside the school was Chloé and Nathaniel.

"So, Nathaniel what's Hanukkah like?" Chloé asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because the idea of people who don't celebrate a universal holiday like Christmas is a foreign concept for me. And since you're my friend I..." The blonde blushes and momentarily twirls a piece of her hair out of nervousness.

"I thought that it wouldn't hurt to learn about some of your family traditions." She then clears her throat, "Especially since it's Fall already and soon it'll be winter."

Nathaniel's heart skipped a beat in shock, and he just stared at her for a moment before he snaps out of it and clears his throat.

Momentarily moving his hair away from his eye, the artist smiles gratefully. "It's appreciated, no one has ever taken an interest in it." He then looked ahead and added, "To be honest I feel the same about Christmas. It's such a foreign holiday to me and I always wanted to experience it at least once."

Chloé was about to say something, but she was interrupted by Damocles clapping his hands. "Come on you two, I don't have all day."

Chloé narrowed her eyes at him, "Oh, I know you did not clap your hands at me like that!"

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