Chapter 70: Sandboy Part 1

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Damian sighed as he stands near the top of the stairs of the school and waited for his beloved.

"See you guys later." Marinette said as she waved Alya and Nino goodbye and walked out of the door.

"Bye Damian." She said as she walked past him, Damian nods his head to her and said, "Farewell."

Marinette then stops in her tracks and turns to face Damian with a smirk. "Oh, and Damian?"

The Boy Wonder looked at her curiously, but he became confused when Marinette said, "You're Welcome." Taken aback, Damian blinks a few times as his brain comprehended what she just said.

He repeated her words. "You're welcome?" He tilts his head, raises his eyebrow, and asks, "For what?"

The designer giggled and looked at him with a mischievous smile. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough." She boops him on the nose and cheerily skips away.

That of course did not make Damian feel better and makes him wonder if she's planning something.

"Something wrong?" Ruby asked as she walks over to him.

"Marinette's acting strange. I think she plans to do something to me as revenge for the comment on her ice outfit." Damian proclaimed.

Ruby snorted in amusement. "I'm sure it's nothing. Marinette is probably trying to get under your skin to make you paranoid, so you think that she's going to do something." She then kisses his cheek to make him feel better.

Looking forward, Ruby smiles when she sees their ride pull up. "Our ride is here." She pats him on the back and walks towards it.

Damian stood there for a moment before he calms himself down and follows his beloved into the car.

Once they got home, they spent their time like usual, walk the dogs, do their homework which they finished in less than a half an hour, and relax before it's time for dinner.

Furthermore, right now Damian was reading a book and was taking a break to drink a bottle of water when Ruby came downstairs and hugged him from behind.

"Hey, Damian can I ask you something?"

Taking a second to drink his water, Damian pulls it away and lets out a refreshed sigh before replying to her. "Yes, Zahra?"

"I was wondering if you can help me choose which outfit for Chloé's Halloween bash would be the best?" Ruby asked.

Damian raised an eyebrow at her strange request. "Why? I'm sure that you'll look lovely in whatever outfit you choose."

"Well, I'm having trouble deciding, I mean all four of them are sooo good! Especially since Marinette designed them for me. And having such top-quality costumes makes it hard for me to decide."

She then gives him a pleading look that made him cave in. "Alright beloved, show me your outfits." Cheering happily, Ruby and Damian make their way over to their bedroom.

And while Damian sits down on the bed, Ruby started to try on the Halloween outfits Marinette had made her.

Picking up his water bottle again, Damian took a sip around the same time the bathroom door opened and heard Ruby say, "Damian~"

Continuing to drink his water, Damian spares his beloved a glance and nearly choked on it when he saw her in Halloween Outfit #1.

Which was a black and red devil outfit with realistic red horns, wings, and tail.

Which was a black and red devil outfit with realistic red horns, wings, and tail

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