Chapter 60: Battle of the Crown

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Robin's shadow Nevermore soared through the air as it flies towards a safe location.

But Robin became aware of the fact that he heard buzzing and looked back to see that a drone was following them.

Taking out his sword, he turns around and points his weapon at the drone in gun mode where he then shoots it right through its camera.

Making it crash to the ground.

Landing on a rooftop for a moment, everyone looked at where the fallen drone had landed and then looked at Robin.

"What was that?" Chat Noir questioned.

"That was obviously one of Garde Royale's spies. She has Lady Wi-Fi and Prime Queen remember?"

Chat Noir sighed in irritation before looking at Ladybug. "My Lady, please tell me you have a plan. This is starting to look a little bleak. Sure, we've dealt with armies but we're dealing with an army of who knows how many Akumatized villains and knights."

Ladybug frowns for a moment before sighing. "Not yet. But once we can fight without them..." She gestures to Juleka, Chloé, and Nathaniel. "Getting caught in the crossfire, I'll come up with one."

With that they continued on their way until they reached their destination, which was the Eiffel Tower.

Landing near the restaurant, Robin sighed as he dispels his shadow Grimm and kneels down to catch his bearings.

Red stoops down next to him and places a hand on his shoulder. "You, ok?"

"I'm fine my love." Robin replied and gave her a reassuring smile as he got up and held out his hand to her.

Which she took and got up from the floor.

"We'll hide out in Gustave Eiffel's office." Ladybug proclaimed as they went into one of the restaurants and took the lift up to the top.

Once there, Ladybug was opening the door when Chloé noticed something at the corner of her eye and gasped.

"Ladybug!" She exclaimed as she pushes the bug themed heroine out of the way of a familiar black rose arrow.

Which unfortunately hits Chloé in the arm.

"Chloé!" Nathaniel exclaimed and went over to her.

Meanwhile, Red had taken out Crescent Rose and had shot ice dust at one of Dark Cupid's wings, making it become frozen in place.

Dark Cupid tried to flap but it was futile, and the villain soon started to fall down but Ladybug had grabbed him with her yoyo and swung him up and pulled him forward.

Making the Villain land right into Gustave Eiffel's office.

Meanwhile Chloé had succumbed to Dark Cupid's power and pushed Nathaniel away. "Get your filthy peasant hands off me!"

She then turns to him with a smirk and was about to say something else, but Ladybug grabbed her by the wrist and pushed her into the office and closed the door.

"Come on we have to go!" Ladybug proclaimed as she grabs Juleka by her waist and quickly jumps off the Eiffel Tower before latching her yoyo onto something to swing away.

And the heroes were right behind her.

"Where to now?" Chat asked as he ran across the rooftops with Nathaniel in his arms bridal style.

"I have an idea." Red proclaimed.

Everyone looked at her with curiosity. "What?"

Red smiled smugly, "Follow me." She announced as she began to jump into a different direction.

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