Chapter 68: The Woes of Romance

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Right now, high in the sky there is a man trying to hang glide by himself but unfortunately, he does not know how to hang glide that well and was now flying out of control.

But thankfully the heroes showed up and helped him get to safety and were now on top of a building.

"You should take the elevator next time." Ladybug proclaimed.

She looked at Chat and fist bump with him. "Pound it!"

"My delta plane express delivery wasn't exactly the best idea." The man admitted.

Chat Noir holds out the bouquet that the man had dropped. "Don't forget your bouquet!" Taking the bouquet, the man finally takes his leave.

But unknowing to everyone, Chat had managed to snag a rose.

"Be careful on your way back!" Ladybug said waving goodbye to the man.

Meanwhile, Chat gets down on one knee and held out the rose to her. "For you, Milady."

Ladybug smiles at him in amusement. "Seriously, Chat Noir? You're about to transform back!" She stated and points at his ring.

Chat Noir looks down at his ring and shakes his head as he said, "So what?"

"Well, if you transform back, then I'll know who you are and then..." Chat Noir stands up and looks at her lovingly.

"And then we won't keep secrets from each other anymore." And so, with that he de-transforms back, shocking Ladybug and the others.

Walking closer to Ladybug, Adrien held up her hands in his. "We'll be united, more powerful and free, we'll defeat Hawk Moth, then we can both run away to an island!" Letting out he spread out his arm as he began to deluge himself into his fantasy.

Far away from everything. We will live off nothing but fruits, and we will have a little pet hamster and we will name it—"

"Chat Noir!" Ladybug exclaimed.

Snapping out of it, Chat Noir looks around to realize that he was daydreaming again.

He looked back at Ladybug who was looking down at him with a frown. "I can't accept this rose from you! I told you already, I'm in love with someone else." Ladybug proclaimed and walked away and leans against a railing.

Chat Noir stands up and looks at her with a frown. "I know, Milady. But if he weren't here, would things be different between us?" He asked.

"Well, you know, I can't even begin to imagine him not being here." Ladybug stated as she looks down and saw all of the advertisement for Adrien's cologne.

"I'm sorry, Chat Noir. I really gotta get going, and you better do the same." Taking out her yoyo, Ladybug swings away to go back home.

Chat Noir sighed, dejected, and looked at Red and Robin. "Do you know who she likes?"

"We do, but we're not telling you." Robin proclaimed.

The cat hero groaned in annoyance, "Why not?"

Red held up two fingers to his face. "We're not telling you for 2 reasons." She then proceeds to name the reasons and countdown on her fingers.

"Firstly, it's none of your business and you should respect her privacy. And secondly, because of the fact that you two keep your identities a secret from each other, any information regarding the people that she is close to or even the guy she likes may give away her identity."

"With that in mind we'll be taking our leave."

Creating a nevermore with enough room for him and Red, Robin helped his beloved on and flew away.

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