Chapter 6: Je t'aime

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"Finally. I thought that flight would never end." Ruby said with a yawn.

"You make it sound like we had to deal with annoyances. Not to mention Father made sure that we were in first class." Damian stated as they make their way over to the baggage carousel and pick up their luggage.

"True. Those reclining, heated massage chairs were heaven." The huntress said with a pleased sigh.

"To be honest I'm surprised you're so...normal. I thought you would hate being trapped in the air for 7 hours with strangers."

"I had you by my side, so the excruciating experience was bearable." Damian answered.

"Anyway, I'll call a uber." Ruby stated and does just that.

10 minutes later their ride arrives and after verifying that this person was their ride, both Damian and Ruby get in.

"Where to?" the driver asked.

"We're going to the Le Grand Paris hotel." Ruby replied.

"Alright then." The driver muttered and drove off once the coast was clear.

But as he was driving, the driver kept on stealing glances at the kids through the rearview mirror. "Aren't you kids a little young to be going to Paris by yourself?"

"I assure you that we are more than capable of traveling by ourselves. Besides, this was a gift from my father so we're not going to waste it." Damian stated and gave the driver a deadly glare that made him clam up and look at the road the rest of the way.

"Here we are." The Driver proclaimed.

"Thanks." Said Ruby.

"Anytime." The uber driver proclaimed and drove off once the kids had gotten their luggage from the back.

"Hi, we're here for the reservation made by Bruce Wayne." Ruby said to the woman at the front desk.

The receptionist raised an eyebrow but concluded that their parents are off doing something and are making their kids check in. "Yes, Room 408."

Opening the drawer, she hands Damian the keys.

"Thank you." Damian said respectfully.

And with that the couple took their leave.

But as they were doing this the receptionist gets a bewildered look on her face like she was trying to remember something about their room.

Once the elevator opened the two made an attempt to go in but were stopped by a red-haired girl with glasses that looked around their age.

Who walked out while looking down at her phone.

As a result, she accidentally bumped into Damian, knocking her glasses off.

"Watch it!" the boy wonder hissed.

"Oh sorry." The girl said as she bends down to find her glasses.

Not liking his attitude, Ruby pinches Damian hard on the arm. "Damian don't be rude it was an accident!" Bending down, Ruby picks the glasses up and held them out. "Here."

The girl narrowed her eyes at them and smiled. "Thank You."

Putting them back on the girl looked at them but her eyes slightly widen as she looked them over. " I know you? you seem really familiar?"

"I've never met you in my life." Damian stated with a sneer.

"Damian!" Ruby hissed, annoyed at his rude behavior.

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