Chapter 79: Love is in Bloom

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Back at the school, Marinette was looking at the fencing team practice in the courtyard from the second floor.

Or more importantly she was looking at Adrien.

Mainly since she wanted to ask him to the concert, but she was of course extremely nervous.

"Oh Tikki, what if he says no?" She questioned.

Tikki peeks out from her owner's purse. "Don't worry Marinette, I'm sure he won't. You just have to be brave."

"But what if I can't?" Marinette questioned.

Tikki laughs at how absurd that question sounded.

"Because you have proven time and time as Ladybug that you're confident, brave, determined, and resourceful."

"Yeah, but that's when I'm Ladybug. When I'm not...I'm just clumsy Marinette."

"That's where you're wrong Marinette. You are Ladybug with or without the mask. She is merely a part of who you are deep down."

Tikki gives her a reassuring smile and continues to comfort her. "Now you need to stay calm and breathe."

Marinette looks down at her Kwami with a smile and looks around before she pulls her purse up.

"You're right, Tikki. Thank you." She said and gave the Kwami a small kiss on the head.

"I'm happy to help."

Looking back at the fencing team, Marinette saw that they were going on break.

Building up her courage, Marinette lets out a small sigh and walks down the stairs.

"Alright Marinette, it's now or never." She muttered to herself as she walks over to Adrien.

And she was so focused that she didn't even notice Kagami, who took off her helmet and looked at her in suspicion.

"H—hey, Adrien!" She stuttered.

Taking off his helmet, Adrien looks at her with a smile. "Hey, Marinette, what's up?"

Threading her fingers together, Marinette twiddled with her thumbs nervously.

"Well, I...I..." She looks at him and saw the look of confusion on his face as he waits for whatever she wanted to say.

Looking down at the floor, Marinette's face started to burn brightly in embarrassment.

She then remembers Tikki's words and sighed as she calms herself down and gets a determined look on her face.

She then looks up at Adrien and said rather quickly. "I have two tickets for the Jagged Stone concert, and I was wondering if you wanted to go!"

And Marinette had said it so loud that the entire fencing team heard it.

And to say that they were shellshocked that Marinette had asked Adrien on a date to a Valentine's Day concert was an understatement.

Furthermore, everyone was quite sure that they heard someone say, "Holy shit!" In response but they did not know who said it.

Back with Adrien, he was left shocked for a moment before he smiles happily.

"Sure, it sounds like fun." He proclaimed.

Marinette looked up at him happily. "Really?"

"Yeah, the rest of my activities were cancelled because of Valentine's Day and my father has admittedly been more lenient with me recently."

Gasping happily, Marinette hugs him. "Thank you, Adrien." And without thinking she kissed him on the cheek before she lets go.

"The concert starts at 8:36 at the Eiffel Tower. Don't be late!" She stated before running off.

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