John Comes Into Town.

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Aaron was talking with his brother last night and he did mention to me that he was going to be staying with us for a week and we were more than happy to have him.

A couple of seconds later the door bell rang.

Aaron: That must be my brother he did say his flight got in an hour ago.

I went to open the door and John was there with a smile on his face and a hug for me. He was the sweetest.

John: Hi Sarah.
Me: Hey John. Good to see you.
John: You also. Hey bro.
Aaron: Hey bro.
John: You two look seriously so happy what have you two been up to?
Aaron: We just talk a lot about how we feel and then she gives me a lot of hugs and kisses more than usual which is very nice.
John: Keep doing that Sarah. Look at this man's face oh my gosh it is glowing. He looks soo much happier.
Me: I always like to keep him comfy and I told him if anything is bothering him he can always come to me. I am all ears.
John: This is what I wanted for you both for a long time. You two being apart for soo long is really helping you find out who you truly are. I mean for me I have been married long enough and my wife and the kids are very happy with me but seeing you both man it is wonderful.
Me: You are very sweet.
John: How are the kids?
Me: Growing. Conner is getting married to Rebecca. Sapphire is still with Kyle. The twins are out doing their own thing we keep in contact with them always. Now we have a cute corgi named Jeter since the kids aren't here anymore.
John: This must be him.
Me: Yes.
John: He's named after Derek Jeter?
Me: Yep.
John: What a chubby boy! He's soo cute.
Me: Yeah he loves his morning belly rubs. 😂 Aaron usually gives it to him and he just lays there enjoying it. 😂
John: He is definitely the motivation to keep you both together I can see. I love it guys I really love it. You two just have this like I said spark again and geez barely any couples get back after they have kids.
Aaron: I told Sarah we both parted and realized we needed each other even if we were far apart.
John: That's how it goes. Gotta always be open with each other because if you hide something it is like a war starts later on about why you didn't tell each other. I don't want that to happen to you both again. It broke me when you two split and I think time apart like you said bro really helped both of you want each other more.
Me: Yeah that is exactly it. I mean I would think about him all the time and how he was doing and you know he did change into this person I didn't know or at least the Aaron I knew and married was like gone and I was completely beside myself trying to figure out why he had changed soo much. It hurt a lot. Even Jess Bryant was very concerned because she noticed we weren't together anymore and she knew something was wrong.
John: It is always the people around the both of you who see something is wrong and when you two started to notice what they saw you fixed it right away which I know this because I counsel couples a lot sometimes even with working with kids the parents sometimes have issues also. Anyways if the couple isn't communicating and isn't on the same page then why are you both together. That's why you two split up. You two realized "Oh maybe time apart from each other would help see what the real reason why we don't get along is." It happens with many couples not just you two.

Sarah walked to the kitchen and took the food out of the oven.

Me: Dinner guys!
John: I'm starving and this looks amazing.
Me: I'm glad you think so. Hope it tastes okay. My mom is usually the pizza person but she gave me the recipe for this and I'm thankful for it.

I walked into the living room while Aaron and his brother were eating and there was mine and Aaron's wedding photo on the beach in Miami. I was soo happy like I am now and maybe the time apart did help us realize that things happen for a reason.

John: Sarah what are you looking at?
Me: Oh just mine and Aaron's wedding photo on the wall over there. Though I wish I had my wedding in Italy.
John: Yeah, Aaron was telling me that is what you wanted. What if you both take a trip there?
Me: Yeah we are planning it. We really want to.
John: I'm glad you guys get to actually have conversations without fighting again. It is nice to see that.
Me: There was one day I spent alone in a house I was living in in the past and I swear the whole house you think would feel like home but home isn't usually a place home can be a person also and I knew from deep down your brother was my home since the day I met him. Lying in his arms at night is a blessing I thank god for every single day. I don't want a lot in life but all I know is that I want him. I really want to appreciate life with him.

Aaron walked over with a small smile on his face and held me from behind and he just kissed the side of my head.

Me: I needed that.
Aaron: I cannot wait to remarry you.
Me: Me either.

John: This is what I wanted from you guys all along. Just communication and trust me you guys communicate more now than you did before. I'm proud of you. 💙

Aaron: Thanks bro.
John: No thank you.💙
Me: For what?
John: For making my brother happy again Sarah. 😌

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