We Stand By You Because We Love You❤️

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When Aaron and I got down to meet Kyle and Sapphire they came to hug us when we got out of the car in front of their nice little place on campus.

Kyle: Hi Future In Laws.
Aaron: Hey Kyle. What's up?
Kyle: Not much Aaron. Just living the college life and this one always telling me that she loves me and backs me up every single day which I never take for granted.
Sapphire: Of course he doesn't.
Me: You two are adorable. I love you both together honestly.
Sapphire: Mom this is why I came to you first about him.
Me: Yeah I know honey.
Kyle: Sarah can I talk to you a minute.
Me: Yeah of course Kyle.

Kyle walked with Sarah inside the house and they sat on the couch and Aaron was talking with his daughter in the car outside.

Kyle: Sarah I would love to marry Sapphire one day but I want your blessing to do so.
Me: Kyle you know how much I love you right?
Kyle: Yes.
Me: You have my blessing and you know why?
Kyle: Why?
Me: First, you love my daughter, second you always protect her and are always there when she needs you and third you make her laugh and smile and you make her feel whole.
Kyle: That is what I always wanted to do since the day I met her and since the day I told you and Aaron that I wanted to take her on a date.
Me: I am glad though. I know I can trust you with her and I know how much she means to you Kyle. She talks about you all the time and to be honest with you she sends me texts all the time about how much you cook for her and how you really just care for her. That is what Aaron and I always wanted for her. Now I want you both to make your own mistakes I do not want you both to make mine or her father's mistakes.
Kyle: I know I understand Sarah.
Me: Kyle I love you. Take care of my daughter and love her unconditionally.
Kyle: Absolutely, I will not let you guys down you know that right?
Me: I know Kyle.

Out in the car........

Sapphire: Dad I love you.
Aaron: I love you more honey. You know how much I missed you right when I missed out on sooo much in your life.
Sapphire: I thought you forgot about me since you had the twins with Sabrina.
Aaron: You are my only daughter Sapphire Rachel. I was in the hospital the day you were born and I will never ever leave your side again. You are my princess when your mom is my queen and your mom knows how much I love her and I love you.
Sapphire: Dad can we just get out of this car so I can hug you? I really missed you.
Aaron: Yes honey.

They both got out of the car and Sapphire held onto her father and he wouldn't let her pull away.
Aaron: You won't ever have to let go.
Sapphire: Dad I don't want to. All those years I just wanted my dad back I just wanted to know if you still loved me like I always loved you.

Aaron took his daughter's face in his hands and he kissed the top of her head like he always did to his wife because Sapphire was her mom's twin.

Sapphire: I always used to see you doing this to mom and Kyle does this to me also.
Aaron: He does?
Sapphire: Yeah he does he says he always wants to keep me safe and happy.
Aaron: If he doesn't protect my little girl I am going to have something's to say to him.
Sapphire: He knows dad.
Aaron: I'm glad he does.

Sarah walked outside and when Kyle saw Sapphire in Aaron's arms and he smiled wide knowing how much Sapphire loved her dad and how much she was always going to need him.

Me: You two ok?
Aaron: Yeah we are just needed to tell my daughter that I am always going to be here for her and Kyle I am still keeping my eye on you. Conner and Rebecca are engaged and I already had the talk with them but now I am going to have the talk with you.
Kyle: I know I was waiting for the talk because I need to talk to you also.
Aaron: Let's go inside.
Me: I am going to take Sapphire for a ride honey.
Aaron: Okay be safe both of you. Call me if you need anything.
Me: We will honey.

Aaron walked in the house with Kyle.

Aaron: Okay Kyle what's up?
Kyle: I spoke to Sarah already and she told me to come to you also but I wanted to ask for permission to marry your daughter not now but soon.
Aaron: Kyle you know how much I love my wife and my daughter right?
Kyle: Yes.
Aaron: Are you going to treat my daughter like a princess like I treat her?
Kyle: I will always do that Aaron.
Aaron: You have my blessing but I am going to be watching over you both.
Kyle: I know Sapphire said you would always be doing that.
Aaron: She is correct so do not make me regret my decision Kyle or I am going to have a talk with your parents and they said I could come to them if anything is wrong.
Kyle: They know already and they said the same thing you and Sarah said.
Aaron: Okay Kyle welcome to the family again and I do not care how far Sarah and I are or how far your parents are we will always be here for you.
Kyle: I know thank you. I really appreciate you all.
Aaron: Thank you for making my daughter happy.
Kyle: Thank you for letting me be in her life because I know she doesn't trust many people.
Aaron: She gets that from her mother so yes I know where all that is coming from.

Aaron did bring Kyle in for a hug and Kyle felt comfortable knowing Aaron was going to be his father in law one day which he was pretty happy about. He could have never found a better father in law who really would make him smile and have serious conversations with. Aaron was just like his dad very wise but always meant love and business which is what he wanted in his future in laws. Someone like his parents that he could always trust with anything in the world.

In the next chapter Sapphire and Kyle end up going with Aaron and Sarah as their plus two to Cody and Sabrina's wedding renewal. Let's see what happens. ☺️

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