The Day After❤️ Long Talks❤️

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It was the next morning after the engagement party and Blake and I were exhausted. We literally slept half the day with Rose and Jeter. We actually had Rose and Jeter sleep with us for an hour or two because they were getting fussy that they didn't spend much time with us yesterday.

Seeing Blake cuddled up to Rose and her leaving little baby breaths on his skin was keeping me calm and collected while Jeter rubbed his fuzzy butt against me. Jeter's little fur was so soft though so I didn't mind it.

A couple of minutes later Casey walked in with Aaron. They were smiling when they walked into our room since we both got up.

Aaron: Did you guys sleep ok?
Me: Yeah we did.
Aaron: Good, I'm glad.
Blake: How did you guys sleep?
Casey: We were okay. The kids were up longer than us yesterday and then when we got home they were put to bed right away.
Blake: Good. Those two when they don't get their sleep they are cranky as ever the next day.
Casey: You two looked so peaceful when we walked in here.
Me: Yeah for once I didn't have to rethink my life.
Casey: Isn't that a good feeling Sarah?
Me: Yeah, yeah it is.
Blake: I feel the same way.
Me: Sometimes I wonder what my life had been like if I didn't meet half the people I came across in life. My life before Blake I swear I could have lived in some far away land and it wouldn't have been enough for people to leave me alone.
Casey: Sarah being in the public eye since your fiancé is literally there can be tough.
Me: Case to be honest with you when I was with Aaron it was tougher with the media than I am with Blake now. Like I used to leave my place and I don't get cameras and stupid questions in my face. Like I wonder why that is.
Case: To be honest Sarah I think they notice you have nothing to offer them and they just leave you alone. I don't get any of that being the ex girlfriend of an NBA player and now dating an MLB player. It is like switching continents honestly.
Me: I couldn't agree more. I used to be with the MLB guys all the time in the past I never thought being with an NBA star would actually make me feel somewhat normal again.
Casey: Sarah can I talk to you privately for a minute? The guys can watch the kids.
Me: Yeah sure.
Blake: Go ahead baby. I'm good.
Me: Thanks.

I kissed him on the lips and Rose on the head with Jeter as well and crawled out of bed following Casey into the living room.

Casey: Did you see the look on Aaron's face when you were talking about everything?
Me: Yeah I kinda felt bad but then at the same time he needed to know how insane it was to be around him. Like I just wanted to be me and I couldn't be that without the paps all over the place sometimes. I don't get people coming up to me anymore asking for anything. Until I started getting used to being with Blake I felt so much better with myself.
Casey: Sarah I completely understand.
Me: I'm glad you do.
Casey: To be honest I think you should talk to Aaron alone about this tomorrow. Maybe you should take him for coffee and talk to him. I can hold down the fort with Blake. You have to see where everything went wrong Sarah because I really don't think you guys had much closure.
Me: I don't think that is a good idea Case.
Casey: Sarah I think it is and trust me I got my closure with Blake but to be honest with you getting that extra good bye is good.
Me: I will talk to Blake about it and see what he says.
Casey: If that is what you want to do that's okay with me. Sometimes we need to just have that extra push and to say we need closure and we need to understand why we had to move on in the first place. Most couples don't even get to do that and they no longer talk to each other because of that. Sometimes we don't realize how hard it is until it becomes that distant thought in the back of your head for no reason. Sarah you loved Aaron I know you did and I understand he hurt you a lot and you trusted him with everything and anything and he still hurt you. Yea that is wrong on his part but having this closure with him will help you to understand that you can relax after that.
Me: I have been thinking about it and I always catch him staring at me because he knows he really messed up.
Casey: I think Blake notices it also as well as me Sarah and to be honest with you this is why we are saying you two need that closure again. Every single time I come over with him Sarah you are so distant from him and that hurts him because to be honest I think he just really wants to be friends with you.
Me: I don't know if the friends thing is going to work out with us Casey but I will try.
Casey: Thank you.

Tomorrow I was going to have that closure with Aaron that I guess we both needed even if I didn't want to do this. I was over him and he seemed to be having a hard time getting over me which he was the one who hurt me and left me in the first place. I don't even know what the hell I am going to say but hopefully we wouldn't have to stay around each other for too long. That would make me scream.

Blake walked behind me and gave me a kiss on the neck and he knew I was in deep thought and to be honest I could feel his lips on my cheek now and I turned my head to kiss him and he smiled. 💕

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