A Week of Company. More Advice.

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I woke up the next morning to an empty house since my daughter stayed with her father for a couple of weeks. I know she missed him because most of her life was spent with me and I was okay with her having some dad daughter time. Her younger step siblings were keeping her company as well since she would always send me videos. Aaron would check on me every single day which was nice of him but I knew I wouldn't go back with him because we were better off as friends.

I went downstairs and sat at the island on my laptop with a cup of coffee until the door bell rang. I walked to the door and opened it to see a lovely Sabrina standing there with two bags.

Sabrina: Hi girlie. I'm sorry, is this a bad time for me to come?
Me: Hey girl, no no I'm alone so come in. You can spend the week or however long you want. I would like the company.
Sabrina: Oh I thought Sapphire or Aaron would have lived with you.
Me: Aaron and I are just remaining friends and Sapphire is with him and the twins for the week and maybe the next couple. I do miss her but she needs time with her father. She missed him.
Sabrina: No no I agree Sarah. It is nice you are letting her have time with him and the twins. How are Conner and Rebecca?
Me: Back in Arizona. They are good.
Sabrina: Happy for them. That's great to hear. How about we go walk around for a little while.
Me: That would be nice. I just have to go change since I woke up not too long ago make yourself at home.
Sabrina: Thanks girl.

Having Sabrina come over was nice and to be honest she was the only person I could talk to at the moment about what I was feeling. I had been having nightmares but I didn't want to tell anyone.

When I came down all dressed and ready to go Sabrina was sitting on the couch on her phone.

Sabrina: Sorry I was texting Mady. She was asking how you were.
Me: Oh tell her I'm fine. Just been lonely but I need this.
Sabrina: Trust me girl we are in the same boat. I feel it to. I have been having nightmares time and time again.
Me: You have them also?!?
Sabrina: Girl every single night I have them. I'm actually watching this therapy series on YouTube and this woman is really good. It helps me a lot. I am going to watch later if you want to join me.
Me: Yeah sure girl. We should head out though.
Sabrina: Yeah girl, let's go.

As Sabrina and I got into her rental since I left my car in the garage she turned on some Daughtry music and I started to tear a little when the song September came on.

Sabrina: You ok girl?
Me: Yeah, I'm fine.
Sabrina: Sarah you aren't fine. What's going on?
Me: Just this song September I used to listen to it in the car with Cody and we would belt out the lyrics and then I could lean in and kiss him on the cheek because he liked it.
Sabrina: Sarah I'm going to change the song. I'm so sorry honey I didn't know.
Me: No no, it is fine. You didn't know.
Sabrina: Damn, Cody and I never had a song. That's crazy that you guys had a song.
Me: Yeah we had two.
Sabrina: What was the other?
Me: I'll Be by Edwin McCain.
Sabrina: Yeah I love that song but I'm not going to play it since I know it gets you emotional which is totally okay Sarah. You miss him I understand. It hurts to know how much pain you are in Sarah. To be honest my pain was my problem and I made some horrible mistakes but you know what I know I made those mistakes and now I'm slowly starting to learn from them. Aaron has learned from his and he's doing just fine now knowing you have him in your life again. I know you don't want to go back with him Sarah which is totally fine but personally speaking I do think you should talk to Corey about this.
Me: You think I should talk to Corey?
Sabrina: Yeah, when I was going through my tough times Corey is who I went to because  Mady thought it was a good idea.
Me: Yeah I went to Corey before but only for love advice but never for heartbreak.
Sabrina: You should go to him for that also Sarah. He and Mady are actually in North Carolina visiting their family do you want to go see them?
Me: Yeah maybe that is what I need. I'm sorry you came all the way up to NY from there and now you have to go back down.
Sabrina: Sarah listen I don't care if I have to go back and forth you need to talk to him and maybe talk to Mady also. They are the best people you can go to for what you are going through right now. I can only help so much but I definitely understand how it feels to lose someone like that. I had someone like how you had Cody before Cody and I went out and to be honest with you I miss him a lot but he's married now with kids. I seem to be the one Sarah that pushes men out but you on the other hand are being pushed out by the men which is totally wrong.
Me: You are right girl. I'm going to talk to Corey and Mady when we get down there.
Sabrina: That's my girl. :)

Sabrina leaned into give me a hug and since we would be down in North Carolina for a little while I decided to have her drive me to one of those mini essential places to get stuff for the flight. This was going to be good for not only me but for me to spend time with Sabrina and just keep being open with her if I could.

In the next chapter Sarah goes to see Corey but what do you think is the advice that Corey gives her?

Stay tuned. 😊

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