A Date of Sweetness. Part 2.

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Aaron said to dress nice so here I am waiting for him to get dressed since I had all my stuff at his place. Blake and Casey took Rose and Jeter for the night and will bring them back tomorrow.

Aaron: Babe you ready? Whoa.
Me: What?
Aaron: You look beautiful. :)
Me: Thank you. You don't look so bad.
Aaron: Thanks.

As we got into the car service that he called he still wouldn't tell me where we were going.

An hour later we were at the Empire State Building and I was in awe.

Me: I always wanted to come here.
Aaron: Conner told me. ;)
Me: Our own son had to rat me out.
Aaron: Yep. We have dinner reservations at the top alone with no one around and then I want to take you somewhere special.
Me: Okay.

As we got to the top I took pictures on my phone and it was just beautiful. The waiter took our picture and it was such a nice one that maybe we could use in the future for something special.

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Aaron: You know the last time we came up here we were in a huge fight remember? Me: No I don't actually

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Aaron: You know the last time we came up here we were in a huge fight remember?
Me: No I don't actually.
Aaron: Yeah I told you Sam came back into the picture and you threw a glass of wine in my face and left.
Me: Oh yea. That I remember.
Aaron: I was a coward back then.
Me: Yeah you were but what made you change?
Aaron: I didn't know what I had with you until I woke up one morning next to someone I didn't love.
Me: You know I woke up to Giancarlo and Jess over me the day after we spilt again and I knew for a fact you didn't love me like I thought you did. Why didn't you fight for me? Why didn't you even try to understand how much I really loved you?!?
Aaron: I was stupid. I went into the shower and broke down in tears knowing I messed up with you again then when Sam told me she was pregnant I knew you would never want me back.
Me: Yeah but you didn't fight for me. I loved you like I always told you I did and yet you still managed to go back to someone who was using you like Amber Heard used Johnny Depp all those years and they had to go through a huge court trial because of it! Is that what you want to happen to us?!? Is that what you always wanted was to see me heart broken and find out my own husband since the day I made him that sign didn't love me like I loved him!
Aaron: Sarah listen to me, I did love you and I will always love you I was just stupid and naive to the fact that what I loved was gone. What I always wanted preferred to be with an NBA basketball player over me.
Me: Blake was a wonderful person to me Aaron. There were times where the things that he did reminded me of the things I did with you. He was kind with me and he took the time to understand we still had a life together just like he has and had with Casey. You have to think about the other side of the situation Aaron. It isn't always about what your thoughts are. Do I care about you still? Yea I do. Do I still love you? I don't know because you hadn't given me a reason to believe in you to love me like you used to again.
Aaron: What do I have to do to prove to you that I still do love you and what I did was me being selfish again for the one hundredth time and stupid?
Me: Figure it out. If you can mess me up more than a hundred times you can figure out how to put my heart back together where you found it the day you met me behind home plate.

Sarah's POV:

As I walked to go use the bathroom I found a couple that looked just like what Aaron and I used to be and that brought me to tears because I wanted that back with him. I wanted those moments back where I was able to trust him. Maybe time will tell this time around.

As the rest of the night went on Aaron took me to Central Park and we walked around for an hour in silence and then instead of going home he took me back to the stadium.

Me: Why are we here?
Aaron: You will see.

We walked in and we walked towards Cashman and Hal's office and we waved hello to them and walked in the other direction.

When we got down to Monument Park I saw the fan corner and mine and Cody's names were still there. It brought a tear to my eye and I took a picture of it and sent it to Cody.

He texted me back with a crying emoji and told me he would call me tomorrow.

Aaron: Cody?
Me: Yeah. He said he would call me tomorrow.
Aaron: Yeah he texted me saying him and Sabrina were coming up to visit. I told him I needed to talk to him.
Me: Oh about what?
Aaron: Just guy stuff.
Me: I see. I guess I can have some time with Sabrina and the baby.
Aaron: I was thinking you could bring Rose and Jeter with you.
Me: Yeah good plan.

Aaron's POV:

Sarah and I were still in a fit of trying to figure out what to do next with our whatever you would call it. I wanted to find a way to win her back permanently but I was going to ask Cody what I should do since he did spend all those years with Sarah and he could definitely help me out.

With the way things were going for Aaron and Sarah they didn't know where life was going to take them next but what they did know is that the sparks were still around with them they just had to figure out how to bring them back to the surface.

Cody and Sabrina come in the next chapter. Let's see how they can help.

Stay tuned ;)

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