Lakers and Episodes. Feeling Sick.

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I didn't end up getting a good night sleep when Blake and I got to the hotel last night and I was tossing and turning because my period was sooo bad I couldn't get out of bed. I texted Coach Nash and told him about how I was feeling and he told me to stay in bed in the hotel so I did.

Blake was getting ready in the bathroom and then before he left he made sure I had everything.

Blake: Sarah are you ok baby?
Me: Yeah I just need more rest then I'm going to finish editing these articles on Patty and Carter and I will submit them to Steven.
Blake: Take some time to read those meditation books honey.
Me: I know I will right after this.
Blake: You know I love you right?
Me: Yea I do.

He gave me a kiss before he walked out with his bag.

KD: Hey B.
Blake: Hey bro.
KD: Sarah coming?
Blake: Nope, she's not feeling well and she was tossing all night poor girl. I was trying to cuddle her and she was curled up into a ball which I remember Jess telling me when she does that just let her be she will come to you when she's feeling okay.
KD: Damn, you must be worried about her bro.
Blake: I am. I told her to text me if she needs anything and she said she would keep me posted about how she was feeling.
KD: Good keep an eye on her.
Blake: Yeah I will.

Blake's POV:
As soon as I got to the Staples Center with the team everyone was asking for Sarah and I knew I had to FaceTime her.

Blake: Hi baby. I'm sorry were you sleeping?
Me: I was just about to.
Blake: The team wants to say hello.
Kyrie: Hey Sarah.
Patty: Hey Sarah!
Carter: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey guys! I'm sorry I'm not there for this game I'm feeling terrible. Girl problems. 😂
Carter: We understand get better.
Me: Thanks Javon.
Blake: Talk to you later baby I love you.
Me: okay baby. I love you also. Good luck.
Blake: Thanks. 😁

Later on after the game. Blake walked through the door to Sarah coming out of the shower.

Blake: Hey you look better.
Me: Yeah I was watching the game and then I noticed it was over and didn't want to hear the Laker players run their mouths so I shut it off for my mental health. They kept on bitching about how they should have won. I just kept laughing at their childish behavior.
Blake: This is why the guys missed your sass babe.
Me: Haha I know. You guys did good.
Blake: Yeah we did. Did you eat?
Me: Yeah I had some fruit and I'm okay now.
Blake: Oh okay good.

Sarah went out to sit on the balcony since Blake got the penthouse so the two of us had room.

Me: It is beautiful up here.
Blake: Yeah I like it.
Me: So anything interesting happen?
Blake: Nope it was boring without you and the guys are down by the pool.
Me: Maybe we can go sit by the pool. I can't go in but if you want to go in you can.
Blake: Are you sure you are up to it?
Me: Yeah I need to leave this room anyways I need air.
Blake: Okay I'm glad you want to move. Were you able to send the articles to Steven?
Me: Yep I just finished them towards the end of the game.
Blake: Yeah he said to the team how much he loves your choice of words.
Me: Not easy but I manage.
Blake: Yep I know. This is why they keep you around.
Me: Yep.

We went outside to the pool area and the guys had the pool to themselves for the rest of the day since the pool was closed to other guests on Sundays.

Kyrie: Hey Sarah!
Me: Hey Ky.
Kyrie: You feeling better?
Me: I am. I cannot go swimming which sucks but next game in San Fran I can go I should be better by then.
Kyrie: Good to hear.
Me: Yeah.

Blake brought me over some iced tea and I was sipping it here and there since I drink everything slowly.

The coaches waved at me from off to the side and I waved back.

Coach Nash: Feeling better Sarah?
Me: Yes Coach thanks. Just needed to feel less moody.
Coach Nash: I know all about it Sarah. I got females in my family and they tell me all the time their moods make them sick.
Me: Glad you know. Haha.
Coach Nash: Yep. Blake always seems to do better with you next to him I could sense he was a little lonely on the bench today.
Me: Yeah he misses me I know all of them did.
Coach Nash: Yeah they did but next game you are coming right we need you.
Me: Oh yeah that is three days from now I am going to be fine by then.
Coach Nash: Good.

Coach walked away and Blake came back with more fruit for me from the buffet outside.

Blake: Feeling ok?
Me: Yea. You can go in the water now.
Blake: Okay. Call me if you need anything else babe.
Me: Thank you.

He got in the water and just stared at me with his cute face.

Me: Go swim.
Blake: Wish you could come in with me. 😔
Me: I know babe but the situation for me to come in right now would not be appropriate.
Blake: Very true.
Me: We can cuddle and watch movies when we get upstairs though. I bought Like Mike on YouTube and we can watch it later on.
Blake: Yeah that sounds good.

The guys swam over just to annoy us.

Patty: We were bored so we came to bother the lovely couple that makes us all smile but get jealous over at the same time.
Me: Haha gee thanks Patty.
Carter: How did you two meet?
Blake: Through the Yankees.
Carter: Oh that's right I heard about that from Giancarlo on Instagram dude doesn't shut up about you two.
Me: Sounds like G. 😂 His wife Jess I bet you says the same lovely shit he does right?
Carter: Yes she does. I follow them both on instagram. They are really funny.
Blake: they are. 🤣

As the time went on and the sun started to go down everyone was upstairs while Blake and I took the long way before we had to leave tomorrow to San Fran.

Me: Want to watch Like Mike still?
Blake: Yeah we could watch it for a little while then head to sleep since we have a flight to catch in a couple of hours then the Curry's said they would pick us up from the airport. Told the coaches and they said it was fine.
Me: Sounds good. Heard they have a pool at their house and since we are staying a little longer with them and the kids we can go swimming after the game in a couple of days. My period should be over in two days.
Blake: Sounds good. 😌

It was nice being able to communicate with him. Showed the good side of us.


In the next chapter the tea happens this chapter was just a filler.

Stay tuned. 🤗

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