Surprises in Arizona.❤️

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Instead of going right home back to LA to take a flight from there and I had clothes with me already I decided to fly to Arizona to see Cody. It would have been nice because I always loved watching him play and I didn't want to be with anyone else right now. I texted Kike and Mariana and they told me they would let me in with a pass because it was a private facility.

When I got off the plane two or three hours later I was excited and I hopped in the cab so quick it was nice to be able to see him again.

As I got out of the cab in front of the facility it looked like the guys were still practicing since it was the afternoon.

Kike met me outside and then he gave me a hug and we walked in together.

Kike: Sarah he is going to be happy you are here because he has done nothing but talk about you for the past five hours. I feel like he misses you but won't say anything.
Me: Awe he's adorable.
Mariana: Hi Sarita!
Me: Hi Mari!
Mariana: Ready to see your man?
Me: Yep! ;)

As I sat next to Mariana and Kike went back on the field to help everyone clean up for the day I walked with Mariana back to the locker room and I stood outside until Cody was ready.

I heard Kike talking to him telling him a surprise for him was outside the door but Cody gave him the weird face and just went to see and I popped out before he came to the door.

Cody: SARAH?!? What are you doing here?!?
Me: I decided to come and surprise you. You needed someone to come and support you since Ashli is always with her friends and fiancé and your parents are with the kids and Cole as usual with his girl Courtney.
Cody: True. I did need someone.
Me: Am I going to have to wait for a kiss or is that a rule we have to make now? 😂

Cody leaned in and kissed me but I had better ideas so I jumped on him like a crazy nut then I kissed him for what felt like an hour but wasn't.

Justin: You two make me puke. 😂
Me: Shut up Turner.
Justin: Yeah yeah whatever you say Sarah. 😂
Me: You are just mad because your woman isn't here.
Justin: Well she is coming soon. So I am a lone wolf for now.
Me: Don't worry Mariana and I are pretty fun to have around.
Justin: I can agree with that. What made you change your mind to not go back to Judge?
Me: Let's just say I got annoyed as freaking crap with everyone and everything back home and with Josh and his Navy life I wasn't going back to that either. Millions of reasons why I left Turner.
Justin: Makes sense Sarah. I know a lot of people who would have done what you did and you made a smart move going to Belli over here. He doesn't shut up about you.
Me: Yeah Kike told me the same.
Kike: Well it is true. He is always going to get used to you being around so I guess we have to get used to you also.
Me: Thanks Mr. Puerto Rico.
Kike: De nada Sarah.

As Cody pulled away from me and took me into the locker room with him it was nice to see everyone around goofing off and having fun until I saw some of the newbies come into the room.

Cody: That's Price and Betts.
Me: I know who they are.
Cody: You gonna go say hi?
Me: I don't really like them.
Cody: You are still on that Red Sox Yankee rivalry?
Me: Always will be in my head but I just don't like them as people. Betts was always that man who I got bad vibes from and well Price he is something else. Let's just say I have protective instincts towards people and I don't intend to change those instincts.
Cody: I understand.

Mookie and David walked over to Cody and said hello then they saw me and I just did my respectful smile to not cause anything being it is my first day here.

Cody: You played that so smoothly and I think they know you don't like them.
Me: Oh I make it known even if I don't make a scene.
Cody: That's why I like you.

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