Bonding Before Flights. KD pops in. ❤️

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Aaron and I woke up at the same time and we walked into the kitchen to help set up breakfast for everyone.

Aaron: You look so happy Sarah.
Me: So do you.
Aaron: That was the best sleep I had gotten in so long. I didn't know Casey was a cuddler.
Me: She is. Blake said she was.
Aaron: I heard The Cole's and Joey helped you find Blake.
Me: Yeah Amy and Gerrit saw him and then Joey spoke to me about going to talk to him. We hit it off and he has some qualities I liked.
Aaron: Even talking about him now you are smiling.
Me: I'm sorry it didn't work out with us Aaron.
Aaron: Sarah I'm sorry. I should be the one apologizing. I was not a good human. Blake is treating you like I should have treated you and wanted to treat you.
Me: I know but what I do know now is that Casey isn't going to hurt you Aaron. She's a great mom to Kingsley and Junior and Blake and I respect her tons. She is going to love you like you should have been loved all your life.
Aaron: She was really cuddly last night which you were the last person like that but Sarah the reason why I like her is because she has your qualities.
Me: I had a feeling you were going to say that.

A couple of minutes later we went in for a hug and Blake walked in with Casey.

Casey: Look at you two hugging. Awe.
Me: Yeah we had to. Been awhile.
Blake: Sarah has a type I can see it.
Me: I do. Casey does also.
Casey: I do not.
Me: Yeah girl you do. Sexy mixed chocolate lattes with curly hair. Aaron told me last night.
Casey: Oh he told you about me clinging to him like a koala bear.
Me: Yeah I'm happy you are happy Case.
Casey: Yeah I'm happy for me also. Maybe this will finally work out.
Aaron: It will. I have a feeling. I was telling Sarah you have the same qualities as she does and to be honest with you I think Sarah and I just needed time apart to realize how much a friendship now means to us.
Me: Yeah I think I can agree with that. We will still be around for the kids and Casey maybe you can watch over Rose when Aaron can't. 
Casey: Yeah sure I can.
Blake: I'm glad the four of us are working things out. It is nice.
Me: Yeah me also.

Sarah looked down at her phone and Kyrie was texting her koala bear emojis.

Blake: Babe why you laughing so hard?
Me: Ky keeps sending me koala emojis. 🤣🤣
Blake: He's such a weirdo but you have to love the guy.
Casey: Sarah there is never a dull moment with him.
Aaron: He used to spam my messages with kissing emojis saying I needed a new woman. 🤣
Blake: Haha he needs help. We need to find him like a dog or something.
Aaron: That would be a good thing to do.
Blake: Maybe next time you and Casey can come to a Nets game Aaron.
Aaron: Yeah that would be good. We can bring the kids.
Me: Yeah you guys can we wouldn't mind. I need to get our kids to a game Aaron maybe they can meet you there with Kyle and Rebecca.
Aaron: Yeah that sounds good.

Blake and I went to packing while the kids were eating with Aaron and Casey.

A couple of minutes later KD walked in.

He was shocked to see Aaron in the kitchen very close to Casey watching the kids and Jeter.

Me: Oh hey Kev.
KD: Hey Sarah.
Blake: Hey K.
KD: Hey G. Didn't know Aaron was hooking up with Casey?!?
Blake: Actually they are dating now since yesterday. Sam fucked him over didn't tell him about his daughter being born and she packed up her shit and left for good and then Casey's fiancé cheated on her so she moved up here now from Florida since the Heat gave her job to someone else. She got a job with the Knicks now.
KD: Damn I missed a lot.
Blake: Yeah you did.
KD: What time are you guys getting picked up?
Blake: I would say around 5pm flight doesn't leave until 7:30pm.
KD: Okay that sounds good. Let me go say hi to everyone then I'm gonna head out.
Blake: Sounds good bro.

Kev went to say hello to everyone and he gave hugs and kisses to the kids.

KD: Rose is beautiful.
Aaron: Thanks Kev. Look I'm sorry about my behavior the last time.
KD: Bro all that matters now is that you are a new man who cares about his kids and has a woman who cares about him.
Aaron: Yeah thank you to Blake and Sarah I wouldn't have met Casey. I guess timing is everything.
Casey: It is babe.
KD: I will see y'all soon. I have to go finish packing.
Junior: Uncle Kev.
KD: Yeah J.
Junior: Can we play ball together when you come back?
KD: Sure little man. I promise.

As Kev walked out with a smile on his face he liked how everyone changed and he liked how calm everyone was. Blake and Sarah made him very happy and he liked that a lot which means Blake could bring his A game more.

Blake and Sarah walked into the kitchen after they finished backing for a four day road trip. They had to play Golden State after they played the Lakers and The Curry's couldn't wait to see them since they were staying with the Curry's and their kids when they headed up to the Bay Area.

Aaron: Have fun on the road trip guys. You can FaceTime the kids anytime you want and then we can have them watch you on TV.
Blake: That sounds good.
Casey: Blake trust me the kids and Jeter are going to be fine and if we have any questions we can call you or Sarah.
Me: Thank you guys.

We sat around the island with them for the rest of the day until our flight later on. We didn't have much left to do anyways.

Ayesha kept texting me happy emojis because she couldn't wait to see Blake and I.

Blake: Ayesha texting you again?
Me: Yep.
Casey: She cracks me up with her texts.
Aaron: She seems very fun to be around.
Blake: Yeah you can meet up with them next time the Yankees are in Cali or when they come here and play us next month. It should be fun then we can talk about the wedding with them Sarah.
Me: Yeah babe that sounds good.
Aaron: I'm happy you two are getting married.
Blake: Thanks man.
Me: Aaron I'm going to be okay with him like I know you will protect Casey.
Aaron: I know Sarah. ;)

Sarah and Aaron getting along again was what Casey and Blake wanted and it was a nice thing honestly. 💙🥰

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