Grant Calls Anna In California. ❤️

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Anna ending up coming back with us to California until Grant got home in a couple of days from Japan.

Anna: Thank you guys for letting me stay.
Me: Anna you are family. ❤️ We love you so much.
Anna: Love you guys also.
Cody: How has it been without Grant?
Anna: So tough. I cry every single night. I miss him so much. Sydney went home and so did Scarlett. Also Sydney sometimes spends more time with Julius than anyone I know so there goes her life. Scarlett says she misses Caleb and he FaceTime's her more than Grant does with me which I don't know why.
Cody: He is probably busy Anna you know he loves you.
Anna: I used to have thoughts of leaving him but now I know I can't because his heart and my heart are glued together honestly speaking. I can't just leave him because that is going to upset me for a long time.
Cody: You don't have to have that thought Anna. We are always going to be here for you no matter what happens love. Sarah and I as well as the kids and everyone who loves you will always be here for you.
Me: Don't you just love when people love you back?
Anna: Oh yeah I do. Helps me keep the time from passing by and honestly speaking Grant should be FaceTiming me soon.

A couple of seconds later her laptop started ringing.

Anna: Hi baby! I love you!
Grant: Hi sweetie pie! Love you more! How is everything back at home?
Anna: Everything should be okay. I'm having Sydney watch the house with Julius for me because I am in Cali with Sarah, Cody, and the kids.
Grant: I'm glad you have people with you. I always worry about you. Please be safe baby.
Anna: I always am. Don't worry I'm fine. I love you and when do you come home again because I really need you! 😭
Grant: I'm going to be home in a couple of days because the things I need to do are almost done over here. Honestly speaking babe you don't know how many times I wanted to just come home and just stay with you forever honestly speaking. You always make me smile and I miss that smile of yours.

Anna put this smile on for Grant and she just felt better and so did he.

A couple of seconds later the kids came to say hi to their Uncle.

Grant: Hi boys and girls. :)
Conner and Corey: Hi Uncle G.
Sapphire and Emma: Hi Uncle G. When are you coming home?
Grant: Soon guys! I promise. I told your Auntie Anna a couple of days because I miss you guys so much.
Me: Hi Grant. How are you?
Grant: I'm good Sarah. How is the wedding planning and everything?
Me: Oh we are almost done just a couple more things to do.
Grant: Great. That's good news.
Me: Yeah.
Cody: Hi dude.
Grant: Hey bro. How is everything?
Cody: Everything is good. Honestly speaking I'm just happy where I am right now with Sarah and the kids.
Grant: I'm glad. Sarah did you go see Josh yet?
Me: Going to go see him tomorrow. I'm going to take Anna, Conner, and Sapphire with me. Cody, Corey, and Emma are going with his parents to see his cousins in downtown LA.
Grant: Good. I'm glad. :) I want you to give him my best Sarah. I'm going to visit him when I come back. I need to see my brother because I haven't talked to him in God knows how long. I know he misses me because he always emails me honestly speaking.
Me: I'm glad you keep in contact with him.
Grant: Yeah I do. Anyways guys I will see you all in a couple of days since Anna is in Cali with you guys I'm going to fly into LAX.
Me: That sounds good. Cody can pick you up from the airport just let us know.
Grant: Thank you all.

He said bye to everyone before Anna had to say good bye on her own.

Anna: Bye babe. I love you.
Grant: Bye sweetie. Love you more. Stay safe. See you soon. ❤️
Anna: Yes see you soon. ❤️

As Anna got off FaceTime with Grant Scarlett called her with some good news.

Scarlett: Hi Anna. I know you are in Cali but I have some news to share with you that I didn't tell Caleb or anyone yet.
Anna: What is it girl?
Scarlett: I'm pregnant. ;)
Anna: Ahhh that's amazing girl! Congrats! When did you find out?
Scarlett: This morning. I didn't tell Caleb yet. I'm going to surprise him with the news when I pick him up in a couple of days. I can't wait for him to come home because I miss him so much. It hurts me to have to kiss him through a computer but I made this promise to him since the day I met him that no matter what happens I'm NEVER going to leave him. He makes me so happy and I have never felt this way about anyone before.
Anna: That is how I feel about Grant. I have had thoughts in the past about leaving but leaving him always has the feeling of death come after that and I don't want to leave him. It is already difficult for me just to leave him completely to go off into these foreign countries and I know I can't do that any longer honestly speaking.
Scarlett: Yeah I know. I'm going to go though because my mom is coming over with my dad and they want to chat with me on when Caleb is coming home.
Anna: Okay. See you soon love. Congrats again! :)
Scarlett: Thank you! Don't worry Anna you will be sooner than you think! ;)
Anna: Yeah maybe. ;)

As Anna got off the phone with Scarlett she was very happy that she was still able to communicate with her. It always helps to talk to another Marine wife who knows what is going on. Honestly speaking it is just wonderful how Caleb and Grant are coming home soon because Scarlett and I both remember the time they deployed.

Time flies when you have the people you love around you to cherish you and be there for you every single step of the way.

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