Taking Things Slow. Smaller Gestures.

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Cody and I sat in the living room while Corey and Mady were out running errands and Sabrina went to stay with Anthony for a couple of days since he lived an hour away from Charleston.

Cody: So what did you do when we were apart?
Me: Nothing really. Just took care of my daughter hung out with Aaron on some days and you know tried to move on from you but now I know how hard that really is. Cody I never thought you would have hurt me like you did. Also these two times it wasn't your fault but my mind kept telling me that it was. Like you could have opened your mouth and said "Listen I love this woman and you know I would like for you all to respect her just as much as I love her."
Cody: Sarah, you know I tried doing that so many times but you know people just don't give a damn but this time and I mean this time I'm NOT going to let ANYONE come between us. I am NOT going to LOSE you again. Losing you not having you next to me cuddled up into my arms and having this vicious bitch who started everything in the first place thinking she could REPLACE you was NOT what God's plan was for us. God's plan was when we got married we would take care of each other in sickness and it health, fighting and not fighting, kids or no kids. We would always compromise Sarah. I want US to do that from now on. I'm going to take Mady and Corey's advice and I'm going to run with it and work with it because I KNOW deep down in my heart there is no one for me better than you. You are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with and you are the woman I want to spend every single waking moment with. I cannot have some crap faces who are jealous of what we have come between us again.
Sarah: Cody, I need you to show me that you aren't going to leave and I need you to show me that you mean every single word that you say because if you don't I'm gone and you know what happens then I'm not going to come back.

Cody thought about renewing his and Sarah's vows so he can promise her that he was never going to love another woman like he loved her again. His family knew that Sarah was the one for him and that Sarah would be the one to mend his heart and stick by him through sickness and in health and through fighting moments and loving moments. Sarah was going to be by Cody's side.

Sarah's POV:

I was going to consider talking to Corey and Mady later to see what they would think. Since the four of us were the only ones in the house now knowing Sabrina left with Anthony.

Corey and Mady walked into the house later on and they both smiled at me.

Mady walked over to me because she saw the look on my face and she was concerned. She walked me into the other room while Corey went to join Cody in the living room.

Mady: Sarah.
Me: Yeah.
Mady: Talk to me. What's on your mind?
Me: Do you think I can trust Cody?
Mady: What is your heart telling you?
Me: That I love him but my mind keeps saying to move on and I don't know why.
Mady: I used to have those moments when Corey and I were some times not seeing eye to eye but the only thing that kept me going was the amazing moments I had with him and the way we compromise together. There was no doubt in my mind that Corey was the one for me Sarah but I think it is your decision to know if Cody really is the one for you.
Me: I have to really think about it.
Mady: Take all the time you need Sarah but if it were up to me I would think about all the good moments you had with him. Then you would have to build off of that to see if he is still worth it.
Me: Thanks. I'm going to do that.
Mady: Okay, I'm going to start dinner but let me know when you have anything else on your mind because I'm open ears.
Me: Thanks Mady.
Mady: Anytime Sarah. :)

I walked to the back patio and I closed my eyes and just thought about what Mady said. My heart was aching that I loved Cody so damn much but my mind kept telling me that he was going to fuck me over again.

A couple of minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Corey.

Corey: I'm sorry to bother your thinking moment Sarah.
Me: No that's okay. What's up?
Corey: I just talked to Cody and he said he knows he loves you but it doesn't seem that you trust him anymore. Why do you think that is?
Me: I'm scared of people coming in the middle Core.
Corey: I understand Sarah but if you love him like Mady and I KNOW you do then I suggest that you really try the compromise exercises that Mady and I told you guys about. The little gestures might make the sky a lot less foggy between you two. You might get a lot of answers. I told Cody he has to be spontaneous and surprise you with things and when he does you will just know when the time is right to move on with him but for right now I'm going to go help my wife with the cooking because I don't want her doing it alone. Let me know if you want to talk about anything else.
Me: Thanks Core.
Corey: Your welcome Sarah.

As I heard the screen door close my head hit the back of the chair and my eyes closed. I thought about what Corey and Mady both said and I sat outside for another hour and walked back in to get dinner ready and Cody sitting at the island with Corey and Mady.

Cody: Hey you ok?
Me: Yeah I just needed sometime to think.
Cody: Mind me asking about what?
Me: No, it is about you. I want to try the compromise exercises and gestures with you and I want to see if they work.
Cody: Yeah I was thinking about that also. I have a few things up my sleeve that I'm going to try and I'm sure you are thinking the same.
Me: Yeah I'm actually going to try one tonight before we go to sleep.
Cody: Okay sounds good.

Later on that night.....

I was sitting up in mine and Cody's room and I had my night wear on already. I heard Cody come up the stairs and walk into the room with a smile on his face.

Cody: What's on your mind?
Me: I want you to take your shirt off and I want to see the scar from your surgery.
Cody: Okay.

As Cody did that he sat in front of me and I could see where the stitches were and they looked to be completely heeled already but I made this aroma therapy cream that Mady told me to make when I woke up early this morning. It had some Shea butter, coconut, vanilla beans and some stress oils in it that should help the muscles in his shoulder relax. I told him to lie on his stomach and then he would have to switch to his side.

Cody: This smells good.
Me: Yeah I know. I use it a lot. Mady gave me the recipe and she said when Corey had Tommy John she used it on his elbow and it relaxed the muscles in his arm from not getting tight and tense. I feel like you need that.
Cody: Yeah thanks I do.

As I was applying the cream to his shoulder he answered a FaceTime call from his sister.

Ashli: Hey Cody. Is this a bad time?
Cody: Hey Ash. No it isn't. What's up?
Ashli: I was wondering if you were working things out with Sarah.
Cody: Actually she's applying this homemade cream that Mady gave her the recipe to to my shoulder and it is really helping. It also smells really really good.
Ashli: Oooo she needs to give me the recipe.
Me: Hey Ash. I will send it to you.
Ashli: Thanks because my husband always has a sore back and I wanted to try it on him.
Me: Yeah it should help him. Mady said for me to try it on Cody because she tried it on Corey for his Tommy John and she said it helps relax the tense muscles.

I just kept massaging his arm and shoulder and to be honest I know Cody was enjoying it.

Ashli: Sarah I like that you are helping him because none of us knew how. To be honest not even the team knew how.
Me: Mady and Corey told me to just compromise with him and make these small gestures to help him relax and calm down and to be honest I know he kept telling me his shoulder was fine but I could see and sense some discomfort and I knew what to do.
Ashli: Thank you. 🥰
Me: Your welcome.

When we got off the phone with Ashli I asked Cody how his shoulder was and he said it was relaxed which I knew this cream helped. I just massaged it a little bit more with a hot towel and then we went to sleep afterwards.

This kindness between us so far was working and I would like to see where it takes us within the next couple of days before we make the next move.

I felt a kiss on my forehead and a thank you was said after from him and I smiled gave him one back and said your welcome. 💙

Baby steps. 🥰

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