The Day Before The Party.

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I sat by the window in mine and Blake's room and just stared out into the scenery with Jeter on the bed. He came over and I started petting his head and then Blake called him and I let him go.

A couple of minutes later I called Ayesha since I know she knew what I would be feeling at the moment. Her and Steph flew in from San Fran last night and then I heard the door open a couple of minutes later since they were staying around the corner from mine and Blake's place.

She walked in and sat next to me on the bench in front of the window.

Ayesha: Hey girl.
Me: Hey.
Ayesha: You ok?
Me: I just feel sick to my stomach.
Ayesha: Why do you think that is?
Me: Honestly I wish I knew girl. I just feel on the edge that something is going to happen tomorrow at the party and I'm going to end up leaving. What if I'm really better off alone?
Ayesha: Girl, I will be by your side the whole time nothing is going to happen. Trust me. You are just getting nervous and trust me it is okay to be that way. I was like that before marrying Steph.
Me: Girlie I don't have what you guys have. I feel like I don't know who the heck I am anymore. I really wish I could have been better you know.
Ayesha: Girlie did you talk to Blake about this?
Me: No I didn't because he is going to think I want to break up with him and I don't want that.
Ayesha: Girlie who do you think you should talk to besides me?
Me: KD. I think I should talk to him.
Ayesha: Then go find him and talk to him. I can only tell you so much Sarah. Trust me I think you need to hear it from him rather than me. Let me know how it goes okay?
Me: Yeah I will thanks.

She walked out and Blake said bye to her since he was in the kitchen with Rose and Jeter with his brother and Marieka.

I walked out with my purse and Taylor and Blake asked at the same time where I was going and I told them out for air. I needed some time alone. They looked concerned but I didn't care I just walked out.

I told KD to meet me at the practice gym for the team and he said he was okay with that and would be there with someone else I should talk to.

I got to the gym and no one was in there but the man who opened the door for me since he knew who I was he let me in.

I was bouncing the basketball around for about thirty minutes until I heard the corner of the room door slam and Kev walked in with someone behind him.

Kevin: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey.
Kevin: Whoa what's going on?
Me: I'm nervous and I feel like I'm completely not ready to get married again.
Kevin: Personally Sarah I do understand how you feel but maybe the person I am hiding behind me can help.
Me: Okay.

A second later out came Vanessa Bryant.

Vanessa: Hi Sarah.
Me: Hi. How are you?
Vanessa: I'm good. Kevin told me to come and he suggested that I talk to you because I know really how you feel. The others have these positive relationships Sarah but I think you need to hear from someone who not only is widow and a mom but someone who had plenty of guy trust issues before she met her husband.
Me: Yep that's exactly the help I need.
Kevin: You two have fun.

Vanessa and I walked over to the chairs off on the side and sat down.

Vanessa: What's going on girl?
Me: Blake says he loves me but does he just love me because he feels bad for me or does he really love me?
Vanessa: Girlie he really loves you. Kevin told me how close you two are and trust me I can tell when a man is in love and when a make is faking being in love and trust me Blake doesn't pretend to love someone that he connects with. The other women he had in the past Sarah they are now gone for a reason because Blake told them to leave. Has he ever told you to leave?
Me: No.
Vanessa: Well then that should answer your question.
Me: Yeah. I guess it does. I just I'm just very scared.
Vanessa: Sarah love is scary. Trust me I know how hard it is to really fall in love again. I can't. Losing my husband I lost a part of myself because he gave me my beautiful kids and I miss him every single waking day but guess what I see a lot of Kobe in Blake. When I first saw that man Sarah I knew he picked the right woman who knew was going to love him no matter what. Sarah you are like me. We don't trust everyone and we don't love everyone but the ones we do love we love with everything in us. Cody, Aaron, Joey and what ever other guy walked into your life before Blake were lessons and in your past but I can tell you Blake is very different from them and let me tell you why.
Me: Okay.
Vanessa: He loves with his heart not with his eyes. Most men they love too much with their eyes but when it comes to loving from the heart commitment is what they run away from. Blake is not scared of you. He opened up to you just like Kobe opened up to me.
Me: Thank you. I really needed this talk. Did you come in town for something?
Vanessa: Actually Blake invited me to the engagement party tomorrow and I'm bringing my older daughter Natalia. She is here in the city visiting a friend and my younger kids are with my family back in Cali.
Me: Oh okay. I guess I will meet her tomorrow.
Vanessa: You will.
Me: Thank you for talking with me. I usually go to Ayesha for things like this but maybe coming to you was the right thing to do.
Vanessa: The next time you feel like this Sarah call me, text me, write to me, anything. I promise I will answer. Come visit if you want one day. My kids would love you.
Me: Yeah sounds like a good idea.

I brought her in for a hug and she showed me old pictures of her Kobe and the kids and I saw how happy they were.

Me: You must really miss him.
Vanessa: Like you wouldn't believe Sarah. Every single day I wish I could see him again. Though I know he will always be with me in my heart. I want you to love with your heart Sarah just like I know Blake does. He's not going to hurt you. I promise.
Me: Okay, thank you again.
Vanessa: You're welcome love.

We walked out together and since mine and Blake's place was only a couple of blocks we walked and chatted some more since the weather was nice.

Vanessa came upstairs with me and when I walked in Taylor, Marieka, Blake was holding Rose and Jeter was next to him with KD, Aaron, and Casey with Kings and Junior. My kids were coming tomorrow since they were busy today.

They all smiled at me and Blake got up and gave me a kiss.

Blake: You ok?
Me: Yeah I'm better now.
Blake: You sure?
Me: Yeah.
Vanessa: Blake she's fine. She just needed the guidance from someone she doesn't see all the time.
Me: That's exactly it.
Blake: I knew she would go to you one day Vanessa.
Kevin: I knew she needed her Blake.
Casey: Can I say something?
Me: Yeah sure.
Casey: Vanessa how do you attempt to wake up every single morning without him next to you?
Vanessa: You know after awhile I can feel him next to me even if I can't see him.
Me: That's like me with Blake. Like even if he's not in the same room with him I can feel him around me. I never felt that before with anyone else.
Vanessa: That's what I was telling you Sarah when I see you with Blake it reminds me of the years I spent with my husband. Blake you and my husband I swear have this similar mindset. You have a heart on the court and you do your job but when you get off the court your heart is so freaking strong that no one steps in the way of it working. It amazes me. That's why I know Sarah that you are going to be lasting a long time with him. To be honest Sarah I'm not only glad Kevin brought me to you but I'm glad you and Blake always went to Steph and Ayesha because they understand also.

Steph and his wife walked in a couple of minutes later hearing just exactly what Vanessa said and smiled.

Me: I can see it.
Ayesha: I knew you would go to Vanessa Sarah. She's perfect to go to when you need that extra push. Steph and I can only tell you so much but Vanessa helped me with Steph before I got married to him and look where we are now. You and Blake I'm telling you you are going to be the next power couple that everyone is going to love. You two are so strong and so well rounded that nothing touches you. You guys have the love that Vanessa had with her husband and like I have with Steph. It is just natural.
Steph: Sarah that man behind you hold onto him. I swear Sarah he's like a brother to me on and off the court you have no idea. He's the person you want next to you when you feel scared and when you feel cold. When you feel lost go to him and have him hold you.
Casey: I hate to cut in but everyone is right Sarah I can tell you that you aren't going to get any better than him in this world. Blake there is only one of him.

I smiled at everyone and I just loved being held by my fiancé from behind.

Blake: You know I love you right?
Me: Yeah I know that more now. I feel better.
Blake: Good.

I leaned in to kiss him and the awes in the background got loud.

Blake: Okay everyone thank you for all your kind words

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Blake: Okay everyone thank you for all your kind words.
Vanessa: I just came here to help.
Blake: I'm glad you did.

With everyone in the room it was nice and calm but tomorrow I knew everything was going to be okay. Let's just see how everything was going to play out for the party. Hopefully Blake and I would be okay. ❤️

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