Shooting Hoops with the team and small concerns.

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Blake thought it would be a good idea for Aaron and I to go out and practice with the team since our stress levels were insane lately. Being around the team puts a smile on my face and the kids loved it also. Casey was watching the kids while Aaron was on the court with us.

Aaron: Been awhile since I played.
Blake: High school right?
Aaron: Oh yea. Baseball has been my career and now since I'm retired I have been able to play other sports more.
Blake: Dude I can't wait to do that.
Aaron: Have you thought about it?
Blake: Yeah but maybe another year here or so then I will think about it.
Aaron: Yea that's what I did.
Blake: So have you been okay around the kids?
Aaron: Kings and Junior have been great around me and the other day I took them to the park when Casey got home from work to play baseball.
Blake: Oh good I'm glad.
Aaron: Yeah I don't want to break your trust with them yet that is why I brought Casey along.
Blake: You aren't man. I know you know how to take care of kids even if your mind was clouded for awhile.
Aaron: I hated who I was before honestly and I'm glad I changed.
Blake: I'm glad you did also. Your kids need their father and my kids love you and so does Rose and Jeter. Aaron we all need you.
Aaron: It feels good to be wanted for once.
Blake: Well I'm here if you want to talk.
Aaron: Thanks man.

Blake brought him in for a hug and Casey was smiling with me from the bleachers with the kids.

KD: Glad you two are getting along.
Blake: Yeah we needed a chat.
Aaron: Have you guys thought about what you wanted to do after basketball?
KD: I think about it a lot but honestly I love what I do right now and being a leader or one of the leaders on this team just helps for when I want to coach kids maybe when I retire. Like your kids keep me on my toes and Blake being around Rose, Junior, and Kings makes me feel like I'm like an Uncle to them or a third dad of theirs.
Aaron: You feel how I feel.
KD: Yeah man I do.

The team surrounded them and they just talked with Aaron and to be honest it was good to see it with Casey and I watching from the sidelines.

Casey: Look how great Aaron is with them.
Me: He needs friends. He really only has Giancarlo. The rest of the team doesn't talk to him anymore.
Casey: Are you serious?!? They all dropped him after how he was before?
Me: Yeah Case. They were rude to him also. Joey isn't speaking to him and neither is Gerrit. It is crazy.
Casey: I think you should talk to them Sarah.
Me: Yeah I was thinking about that also. Maybe I will ask Blake to help me change their mind and prove to them that he isn't who he used to be.
Casey: Yeah I would have thought you guys should do that also. If you guys need help let me know I will do the best I can since my kids and I live with him now. He's been wonderful with them and to be honest he doesn't like to be alone I noticed. He gets too deep into his thoughts when he isn't around the kids or I.
Me: He never was like that with me.
Casey: Really?
Me: Yep. He used to help me when he could because that used to be me.
Casey: Sarah I think you should have Blake talk to him. He isn't going to open up to you or I. Blake would be the only person he would open up to.
Me: Yeah I'm going to talk to Blake about it when we get home in a little awhile.

Aaron and Blake walked over after the team left and they smiled and sat on the bleachers with us.

Casey: You two walk and talk alike it scares me sometimes that you aren't related. Lol.
Me: I say the same thing.
Blake: I mean maybe God had other plans for us.
Aaron: Haha I was just about to say that.
Casey: Well Sarah I would say we still have the two most handsome men around.
Aaron: Thanks babe.
Casey: Welcome.

Blake leaned in to kiss me and I smiled and did the same back.

Aaron: Kids ready to go home?
Kings: Yes Aaron.
Aaron: Good let's go.

Aaron walked out with Kings and Junior and I told Casey I would talk to Blake about having the conversation with Aaron later on. She nodded and walked towards Aaron and the kids.

Blake: Everything ok with him?
Me: What do you mean?
Blake: He seemed off today.
Me: I'm going to talk to you about it when we put Rose and Jeter to sleep.
Blake: Sounds good.

Blake and I said bye to the coaches and we walked to the car with Jeter and Rose.

When Blake and I put Jeter and Rose down to bed we walked to the kitchen to have a quick something to eat and that's when I told him about Aaron.

Me: Babe.
Blake: Yeah.
Me: Aaron might have depression.
Blake: Really you think so?
Me: Yeah I think he does. Casey said when she and the kids aren't around or near him in the house he just stares into space and he's very quiet. Like the other day she asked him if he wanted to eat something when Kings and Junior were napping and he was just zoned out.
Blake: Thats not okay. I take care of you with your mental health maybe I should have Kevin talk to him. If Kevin can't get to him I will talk to him.
Me: Thank you. I'm sorry I'm putting all this on you. Casey is just concerned and she needed my help since I know him pretty well.
Blake: Honey you aren't putting anything on me. Mental health needs to be focused on and I think he is in a depressed phase which happens to many athletes when they aren't playing their sport anymore. Happened to my brother for awhile and now since he got married and had kids he's been a lot better and he coaches now.
Me: I think Kevin should talk to him and I didn't know that about Taylor.
Blake: Yep. It was bad. Similar to Aaron's situation but a little worse.
Me: I don't think I can stop thinking about it. Maybe we should contact Kevin to come and talk to him but for right now maybe you can.
Blake: Actually I'm going to go with him to grab a bite to eat tomorrow since I just texted him.
Me: Sounds good. Let me know how it goes. I'm going to go and text Case.
Blake: Okay.

Blake was washing the dishes and I was on the couch texting Casey.

Casey: Hey girl.
Me: Hey. Blake said he is going to have lunch with Aaron tomorrow to see what is going on and if he doesn't open up to him maybe he should talk to Kevin.
Casey: That's a great idea and yeah Aaron just told me he's going on a bromantic date with Blake tomorrow. I swear I laughed when he said "bromantic."
Me: I would have also. Anyways if you need anything let me know.
Casey: Thanks girl. Night.
Me: Welcome girl. Night.

I put mine and Blake's phone on the charger and we went to bed since it was a long day.

Blake: Good night I love you. ❤️
Me: Night babe. Love you too. ❤️

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