Things Are Just Different. Downward Spiral. Pt.1

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As I was walking around town alone I came across a store and I walked in. It had nice shoes and I wanted to get some new ones you know for walking outside and for being inside the house. 

Cody was out and about with his parents and the kids were together with their Uncle Corey and Auntie Mady at a ranch in Northern Cali for the weekend. I wanted them to spend time with them and you know to explore the world. The boys were going to be graduating high school soon since you know the years fly by and their girlfriends would be attending a college next door to theirs in Arizona. It was going to be tough to see Corey and Connor go to the University of Arizona but I knew they were going to be okay. Emily and Rebecca would be going to a smaller college close by so they would get to see the boys when they wanted to. I knew Corey and Connor would be okay.

Walking around this store brought back some memories and to be honest with you as I was walking up and down the aisles I was texting my mom saying I would come and visit her in a couple of weeks since I somewhat missed New Jersey. 

I began to walk down the shoe aisle when I saw someone I didn't think I would see with Cody and she was very close to him. I knew I wanted to start crying and make a scene but I didn't want to start anything. I knew Chase was going to be a problem in the near future but I kept telling myself no.

I didn't want to walk around this store anymore and I knew Cody didn't know I was here. A couple of seconds later I saw Jenn with them and she looked pretty comfortable with having her son be near Chase to begin with but I didn't see Clay or Cole around. I did see Ashli though and I love how none of them knew I was around. Cool to know because I was just going to go to the cashier pay and leave. 

I paid as quick as I could and the cashier had to run after me with my bags and I just took them and ran out. As I passed the window I saw Ashli see me from the corner of her eye and she ran out of the store screaming my name but I didn't turn back. 

I went home packed some of my stuff and I needed to stay with someone I trusted and the only family and or people I trusted at the moment were the Kershaw's. I automatically called Ellen as soon as I got in the car and was stopped at a red light.

Ellen: Hi Sarah. What's up?

Me: Hi. Are you guys home?

Ellen: Yeah we just got home. Is everything okay?

Me: Actually no, I was wondering if you had the guest bedroom opened for a couple of days.

Ellen: Yeah my in laws came to visit but I just dropped them off to the airport and Clay and I are here with the kids about to eat something. Come on over. 

Me: Thank you. 

Ellen: Your welcome Sarah. Is everything okay?

Me: I will explain when I get there. 

Ellen: Okay honey. See you soon. 

Me: Okay.

I was about five minutes away from the Kershaw house and when I pulled up to the driveway Clay was outside with Cali. 

Clay: Hey Sarah. Are you okay?

Me: Hey. Can we go inside?

Clay: Yeah sure Sarah come in. 

Me: Thank you. I am sorry I am showing up randomly. I didn't know who else to go to.

Clay: No, Sarah you know you are always welcome here. 

Me: Thank you. 

I walked in with my stuff and the kids went to go play in the game room downstairs while their parents were upstairs by me. 

Ellen: Are you okay Sarah?

Me: I was in the store this morning in town and I thought Cody was going to be with his family you know getting some stuff for the house and as I was walking down the shoe aisle I saw Cody and he was so close to this woman. The woman turned around and I saw it was Chase. I just grabbed what I had in my hand and I couldn't stay in the store any longer. I also saw Jenn and Ashli with them as well and it was like they didn't even care about how close she was to Cody. I had a couple of tears run down my face and I just ran out with the bags after I paid. As I ran out of the store Ashli saw me and chased after me and she kept screaming my name but I just kept running down the block to the car.

Clay: Sarah I am so sorry you had to see all of that. We didn't know what was going on but I think a couple of the other members of the team has been seeing him with Chase a lot lately but we didn't want you to find out like this. 

Me: Don't worry about it. I am going to just handle the divorce when I come back from Jersey but I just took what I could from the house and I came here. I am flying out to Jersey in a couple of days to see my family. No one knows they just know I am coming to visit. 

Clay: You can stay as long as you want here Sarah and if anyone calls we can always tell them you went to Jersey to see your family. Are your kids okay though?

Me: Yeah they are with Corey and Mady in Northern Cali for the weekend. 

A couple of seconds later Ellen went to answer her phone and I was just talking to Kersh on the couch. 

Sometimes not everything is meant to be for a long time but I knew I had to deal with it and I am glad the kids are getting older. 

Ellen walked back into the room with sympathetic look on her face and she told me Jenn was on the phone and she wanted to know where I was. 

Ellen: I didn't tell her you were here Sarah. I told her you check into a hotel for the night and we don't know what your next move was going to be. 

Me: Thank you Elle. 

Ellen: Anything for you Sarah. Are we the only ones who know you know besides them?

Me: Yeah you are. 

Ellen: We are going to get through this Sarah. We are always going to be here for you and you know our family would not mind helping you make your next move. 

Me: Connor is going to college soon and he is staying with his girlfriend now so he is fine but I think I am going to take Sapphire home with me back to Jersey. I am going to go and pick her up before I leave to the airport sometime next week.

Ellen: Sounds like a plan Sarah. 

Me: Yeah. I just don't know what is going to happen next but I know after this no more guys for me. I am done with the heartbreaks. 

Ellen: I would have been too Sarah. 

What is Sarah going to do now? 

Stay tuned.....

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