A Kiss For The Books. Pt.1

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I woke up the next morning feeling content with myself. Jeter was looking up at me since I moved on the bed a little. I told Blake he could sleep on the couch because he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable in a bed with him yet. He was being such a sweetheart and I really liked that side of him. I could smell something in the kitchen and I knew he must have been making breakfast.

Jeter followed behind me to the bathroom where I would do what I needed to do and walk out. He would wait for me by the bedroom door knowing I didn't want him in the bathroom with me just in case he bumped into anything so he doesn't hurt himself.

I walked out and he followed behind me and when I went to go put his food out his food was already in the bowl with his water already. It was the right temperature and everything and I was just all smiles that Blake knew everything about Jeter already.

Blake smiled at me when he saw me sitting at the table and I walked up behind him to give him a hug to thank him and I was shocked about what he did. He turned the stove off and turned around and kissed me on top of the head.

Blake: I'm sorry I felt the need to do that.

Me: I am glad you did.

Blake: Oh really? Thought you were going to yell at me.

Me: Nope. Trust me I would never let the person in my line of vision let alone in my house or life if I didn't like them.

Blake: Same with me.

Me: I really do like you and I know Jeter does also since he's done with his food and I guess he is waiting for his pet on the head.

Blake walked over to him and pet his little head and gave him his kisses which Jeter loved.

Blake: He's a really good corgi.

Me: That's my baby I love him.

Blake: Who is going to take care of him later on when we leave?

Me: My mom and dad are coming from Jersey to take care of him and they want to meet you maybe soon if that is okay.

Blake: Yeah that would be good. My parents don't know about you yet but I don't want to scare you away about meeting the family.

Me: I understand. I didn't want to scare you either but you would be here already so I thought you might want to.

Blake: Yeah it is no issue.

Me: Can I ask you something?

Blake: Anything.

Me: Why did you want to give me a chance if all the other women broke you into pieces in the past?

Blake: To be honest with you Sarah I looked at your social media especially your instagram since Joey showed me some pictures of you and so did Gerrit and Amy and I just knew I had to get to know you. Joey and Gerrit knew you had a type and they thought I would be able to mend your heart again.

Me: Yeah, I looked through yours also and I googled you with your kids and your son and daughter are precious.

Blake: You can meet them if you want since you are a mom yourself.

Me: Whenever you want me to meet them I can meet them.

Blake: They are with their mom right now but she is bringing them on Saturday.

Me: Okay that's fine.

Blake: I am shocked you even wanted to meet kids again.

Me: I miss being a mom maybe to younger kids. Did Joey ever tell you I had a miscarriage with Cody Bellinger when I was with him?

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