Instead of "Carolina In My Mind" we have "Anna On My Mind." ❤️

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Cody had been having minor back issues since the first day of Spring Training. He didn't know when he was going to get back on this field until Dave Roberts scheduled him an appointment to see a doctor in Mississippi that worked with the baseball team. Cody wanted to see what this guy could do for him so he told me to come with him.

Anna and Grant were already back and Anna wanted me to come to a State baseball game with her and Grant. I told Cody to come along when we were down there and he said okay.

When we flew down there the game was in the afternoon the next day which was Thursday.

Cody ended up going to the doctor at the stadium as soon as we got off the plane.

One of Grant's Marine friends was deployed so we ended up staying in his place and since it was a two family there was enough room for the four of us.

A couple of hours later Cody got back to the house and he said his back was feeling a lot better and that Roberts wanted him back on Monday afternoon. That was fine with all of us. Grant and Anna on Sunday were flying back to North Carolina anyways and Cody and I would go back Sunday night to LA. Cody just wanted to go to a college game here and since Anna knew everyone and their grandma she got us tickets to the game tomorrow afternoon.

Cody: Thanks Anna for these tickets.
Anna: It is no problem Cody. I'm just going to warn you Cody that you might get mobbed but I do believe I told security that you were coming so the seats we have you probably won't get mobbed.
Cody: Oh okay thanks. Are they in the box?
Anna: Yeah they are. Trust me these players want to meet you before the game because some of them found out from the doctor that you were coming to the game tomorrow and they want you to give them advice before the game.
Cody: Oh no that's fine. I like talking to the guys and help them understand that there is always someone out there who loves and supports them.
Anna: Thanks Cody. These guys are really talented maybe they just need to hear it more often.
Cody: Oh yeah I know. I'm still the same way. I'm so glad I have Sarah beside me because she totally understands what I'm going through.
Me: I'm glad I do babe.

I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and he smiled afterwards.

That night we all went to sleep early considering we had a lot planned tomorrow.

The next morning we all woke up around ten in the morning and we were going to head to the stadium early so Cody could talk to the team.

Once we were all ready we drove to the stadium and since it was super early security lead us down to the dugout and into the locker room.

All the guys were there and I knew some of them from Anna already. The ones I didn't know I said who I was and they told me Cody was lucky to have me as a girlfriend and I just smiled at them and told them thank you.

As I was looking around the room I saw a boy that looked like about Grant's age and I saw Anna talking to him and pulled him in for a hug which was sweet. Grant was on the other side of the room talking to one of the other players since he knew him through someone he met in high school. Everyone seemed to be comfortable and Cody was talking to the coaches before he gave his speech to the team.

Standing alone sometimes and observing everyone was a nice way to take in the environment.

Someone was playing James Taylor's "Carolina In My Mind" in the office and I smiled because my aunt and I used to sing this song all the time when I was younger and I thought about a lot of memories off the top of my head.

As I was in my daze one of the players came over to me and introduced himself as Justin. I thought he was this talented, extremely adorable boy, with a really big personality and he reminded me of Cody a lot when I first met him in Tampa.

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