His Parents Come Over. Getting Caught Dancing.

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I woke up the next morning and I looked over and Blake was awake staring at me.

Blake: Morning beautiful.
Me: Morning sexy man.
Blake: Gee I didn't know I was sexy. 😉
Me: Have you looked in the mirror?
Blake: Nope.
Me: Go look.

He went to stand in front of the long mirror on the back of the door hanging and he flexed his muscles and smiled to himself with confidence.

Me: Told you. ;)
Blake: Maybe I am sexy.
Me: One of the reasons why I love you.
Blake: Hey come here a minute.
Me: What?
Blake: Can we slow dance a little?
Me: To what music?
Blake: Some soft R&B music.
Me: Okay.

I walked into the living room with him and he was shirtless which I always died a slow death over since he was so god damn fine and I just looked up at him and smiled in my pjs.

Rose was still asleep with Jeter.

As we were slow dancing we heard two throats being cleared and we smiled back and saw his parents standing behind the couch.

Gail: Well. This is nice. ☺️
Tommy: you look happy son. :)
Gail: He does look happy honey.
Tommy: Sarah what do you do to keep our son happy?
Me: Love him always.
Tommy: That's what you got to do. ;)
Me: Yea always.

I walked to the couch and sat next to my handsome man while his parents shared the love seat across from us.

Gail: How is the wedding planning going? Do you both need help?
Me: Actually we are almost done but if you want to add anything you guys can.
Gail: Sarah actually I want you to come with me because I want to show you something.
Me: Oh okay.
Tommy: Son while your mom talks to Sarah let's chat.
Blake: Okay dad.

Tommy's POV:
I could finally see how happy my son was. It has been such a long time since I have seen him like this and honestly the last time he smiled this much was high school when I used to make him work twice as much as everyone else to make the varsity basketball team. It amazed me how him and Sarah met through mutual friends and they liked each other before they met which doesn't happen often. I want to see what else I can get out about Sarah though from Blake she seems like a very interesting woman.

Blake: Dad I can see you are in deep thought. What's going on?
Tommy: Well son I want to know what Sarah does.
Blake: She's a writer for the Nets.
Tommy: Wow! I didn't know that!
Blake: Yeah actually Steven the social media manager called her one day and asked her to write articles about the team and she took the job but before she did that she asked me if I was okay with it.
Tommy: Wait hold up!
Blake: What?
Tommy: She asked you before she took the job!
Blake: Yeah why?
Tommy: Blake most women who get that opportunity would never ask anyone if they are okay especially if their significant other works for the job or the team. That's all I needed to know because that shows me the kind of woman Sarah is. Your mom already loves her but when she hears this she is going to love Sarah more. Boy she took your heart and loved it like I did your mom's. It is remarkable. This poor girl got dumped to the curb because she cared too much about men who didn't care about her and that upsets me. I am sure she hit many rough patches with her kids and the men being non-existent in her life.
Blake: She did go through a lot and now that Aaron is back in the picture she is very much just friends with him now because she made it clear she doesn't like him like that anymore and to be honest they seem to have had enough of each other because he came over a couple of times in the past week since him and Casey are dating now and they just waved and they both walked away. I was shocked.
Tommy: Son, let me inform you of something. The way you told me about Sarah and Aaron's relationship and or marriage over the years I could tell automatically they hit many many many dead ends and maybe just maybe you are what she needed and she is what you needed. Not everything or everyone works Blake. It is all about God's plan and what God wants for you. I know for a fact when I married your mother I knew there was nothing that could hold us back from loving one another but with you and Sarah it is like there is no one else in the room when you two look at each other. That's real love Blake. That's love that is unconditional and very undefined which you cannot absolutely find anymore on this planet. I'm sure you have other women at your feet and you ignore them because you love her and I heard from Steph the other day that Klay tried making a move on her and you snapped at him and she slapped him.
Blake: Yeah I'm shocked you heard about that.
Tommy: I keep in contact with some of the NBA guys I appreciate Blake and Steph is one. His wife is pretty amazing also. She really loves him.
Blake: Yeah she does. They are what keep Sarah and I going strong.
Tommy: It is good to look up to couples like that.
Blake: Yeah it is.
Tommy: I'm happy for you both son. I'm also very proud of you. Being an amazing father to Rose, Jeter, Kings, and Junior. It is amazing. I know how many dead ends you have hit with many women including Casey but listen maybe you and Casey are better off as co-parents and friends which is okay. That's how Sarah is with Aaron from what I heard from Giancarlo.
Blake: You speak to Giancarlo?
Tommy: I do. He is one of your best friends and he's one of Sarah's for a very long time. He also told me that you text her kids from time to time. You don't have to do that but that is what your mother and I taught you is to love others who love you unconditionally.
Blake: Yeah. I love you dad.
Tommy: Love you too son.

He brought his dad in for a hug and they both smiled with contentment.

Gail and Sarah walked in with a smile overhearing the conversation Blake and his father were having.

Gail: This woman is wonderful for you Blake. I know how much she really loves and appreciates you.
Me: Yep I do. Always.
Blake: What did you ladies chat about?
Gail: Oh you know ladies stuff and her job with the Nets and the fact that she asked you first if it was okay for her to work for the team which to be honest I was shocked about because I don't know anyone who does that.
Tommy: You see son! I knew your mom would be shocked about that!
Blake: Yeah you did dad.
Gail: Blake you got yourself a one in a million right here. Don't let her go or I'm going to muzzle you boy.
Blake: Haha I know mom. Trust me Sarah is here to stay.
Gail: Also I heard Casey is with Aaron now.
Blake: They seem to be really happy.
Gail: You will be surprised about people these days. Sometimes miracles happen.
Blake: Yeah I agree.
Me: Honestly yes.

I leaned in to give my boo a kiss and his parents smiled.

Gail: Yep look at these small smiles

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Gail: Yep look at these small smiles. That's love.
Tommy: It sure is honey. ☺️

In the next chapter Giancarlo and Jess come over for dinner. ;)

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