One of Those Days Where All Crap Breaks Loose

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Sam came back from meeting with her fiancé's parents and we all met her at a restaurant with her fiancé downtown. Thankfully this place didn't hold many people and the people that were there around the time were sitting outside but we were in the middle of the restaurant so if anything insane were to happen the people outside would hear us and see us. Pretty embarrassing I know but I know for a FACT this dinner was gonna be hell over high water.

Casey as soon as she walked in was giving the bitch daggers.

Blake: Case hold it together.
Casey: Give me a minute Blake to not drop kick her ass!
Blake: Let Sarah and Aaron do the talking we are just here to be backup.
Casey: Backup my ass! I'm giving this bitch a piece of my mind weather anyone likes it or not. I can tell Sarah has to hold her crap with her before this woman ends up in the damn hospital under cardiac arrest.
Blake: Case you need to stop.
Casey: Blake let go of my arm and let me do the talking.
Blake: Okay have fun.

Sam: Hi guys.
Casey: Listen up you bitch! If you say one thing wrong and I swear one thing wrong don't think I won't floor you! What you did to Sarah and Aaron was completely fucked up! I would never have done that to Blake what you did to them! I ended up finding my ex fiancé after Blake and I split because I knew at the time Blake and I were not working out. We stayed together for that long for the sake of our children because we loved them and still love them very much BUT the shit that you pulled with Sarah and Aaron I would NEVER EVER forgive your ass or be speaking to you right now! Do you hear me?!?
Sam: Yep loud and clear.
Casey: Good now speak now or forever hold your peace!
Sam: Ok.

As Sam continued to explain why she did what she did I still didn't believe her. I knew she was lying through her damn teeth and so did Casey.

Casey: Sarah are you buying this?
Me: Case let her finish.
Casey: Okay.

As she continued talking as soon as she said "I missed Aaron when he left college and when he went to play for the Yankees" I fuckin lost it and walked out.

Aaron: Sarah wait!
Me: No! I cannot with this bitch anymore! The fact that she said what she said I'm so effin done! That's it! I'm done!
Casey: You see I knew Sarah was gonna crack!
Me: Case not right now I will speak with you later but I need to be ALONE!
Blake: Guys let her go. Just let her go.

I kept walking until I reached mine and Blake's place and Jeter and Rose were with Aaron's parents for the week since they were staying here.

I put my pjs on and went to sleep since it was late.

A couple of hours later.....

I hear the front door open and then I feel the bed dip a couple of minutes later I knew it was Blake.

He pulled me into him and I didn't bother to move away so I just stayed.

He kissed me on the back of the head and told me he was sorry and I knew I had to deal with him in the morning.

A tear rolled down my face because I knew for a fact I couldn't take seeing that bitch anymore after her fuckin up my marriage when I was very very happy.

The next morning I woke up to Blake with Aaron and Casey in the kitchen.

I walked past the three of them into the bathroom to take a shower.

Casey: Sarah I'm sorry.
Me: Case please not right now I just wanna be alone.
Casey: Okay.

Aaron's parents walked in with Rose and Jeter who were given to Blake and Aaron.

Patty: I take it the dinner didn't go well.
Casey: Nope.
Patty: Didn't expect it to. Let me go see if Sarah is okay. I just heard her walk into the bedroom.
Wayne: Okay.

I heard a knock on the door and opened the door to see Patty standing there with a sad look on her face.

Patty: Sarah I'm sorry for all that happened yesterday.
Me: No you are fine. I just didn't want to hear anymore come out of that witch's mouth. I'm so done with her period!
Patty: Don't blame you Sarah.
Me: Patty do you know how much I loved Aaron?!? Does anyone know how much I really loved him! I gave everything to him!
I gave him everything I could have ever given a man in my entire life! This is what happens! Like is this gonna happen to me again! What if it does?!? I cannot trust again after what I heard that bitch say! How can I ?!? Men lie to me all the time! Did Aaron ever love me or did he just want to drag me on like some fan who was so naive to marry him at the time because he was Aaron Judge. It is embarrassing how everyone I know their marriage worked. Look at Giancarlo and Jess! They have been married for so long and my marriage this whole time to your son was a complete lie!
Patty: Sarah he loved you! He still loves you! He's so sorry for what he did to you! To the kids!
Me: Well I really don't believe it anymore. The fact that this bitch said she missed him when he left college and he went to the Yankees! The fact that this bitch said she loved him and wanted him back when we were married! How! How the mother of fuckin god can I trust after that!
Patty: Sarah I'm sorry I didn't know any of this.
Me: No one did! She hid it! The whole time! Aaron kept going back to her! Kissing her ass behind my back! Falling for her shit behind my back! To think I could trust again! Man that's a lie! I'm marrying Blake Griffin for christ sake who has a fuckin Jenner whore as his ex! How can I trust that?!? How ?!? Just how!
Patty: I'm going to give you time alone.
Me: I'm actually gonna just sit here for awhile and think to myself.
Patty: I understand.

Patty walked out and everyone in the kitchen was silent. Jeter jumped out of Aaron's arms and ran into my room and sat next to me on the bed so I can pet him to calm myself down. I had silent tears running down my face.

Angry was an understatement!
I was irate!

In the next chapter do you think Sarah can face them in the kitchen?

Stay tuned.

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