A Day with Sapphire. Running into Kyle.

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Conner and Corey came in with their girlfriends Rebecca and Emily for the weekend and the girls wanted to take Sapphire out shopping. Of course Sarah wanted her to go with them since she trusted the both of them.

Emily: We promise we are going to take care of your daughter Mrs. B.

Me: Thank you Emily.

As the girls left and got into the car to go to the mall they stopped at a red light and there was a car stopped at the same light and the guy in the passenger's seat of the car was staring at Sapphire.

Emily: Girl he is looking at you.

Sapphire: Yeah I know but I am not going to pay him any mind.

Emily: He keeps calling your name.

Sapphire looked over and saw Kyle LeMahieu he smiled and she waved back at him. She looked away and blushed.

Rebecca: Ask him if he is going to the mall.

Sapphire: Are you going to the mall?

Kyle: Yes I am. Meet you guys there.

Sapphire: Okay.

Sapphire: I think he always liked me since we were kids.

Rebecca: Do you like him back?

Sapphire: Yes.

Rebecca: Do your parents know?

Sapphire: No they don't.

Rebecca: Did you know the guys in the car with him?

Sapphire: One was his best friend from school and the others were his cousins. I guess they know he likes me and that I like him back.

Rebecca: Aren't his parents best friends with your parents?

Sapphire: Yeah they are. I am going to see how they take this though.

Emily: I am sure they are going to be fine with it Sapphire. Spend time with him while I can walk around with Rebecca.

Sapphire: What if my mom calls you guys.

Emily: We can just say you are walking around with a friend that you met in the store and that you will be coming home with us.

Sapphire: Okay.

When the girls got to the mall Kyle walked up to Sapphire since they parked next to each other and they walked into the mall together while his friend and cousins went with Emily and Rebecca.

Sapphire's POV:

I really liked Kyle a lot. I didn't know how I was going to tell my parents though. I mean our families knew each other but I don't know how they were going to take it and Kyle was really my type. We have been talking low key for a couple of months now and since he is going to school here just like me and his parents are near by things shouldn't be an issue with us. I was going to talk to my mom when we got home later on.

Kyle: Sapphire I really like you but how are we going to spill us being together with my parents and yours. You know I would never ever hurt you because I really really want us to work out and we were talking low key.

Sapphire: I am going to talk to my mom and then the next time your parents come over we are going to have them talk to mine. I am going to let Cody in on everything also.

Kyle: Yeah that is fine.

Sapphire: I told my Aunt Jess I was talking to you but she thought it was very sweet. She knew we would end up together somehow and I am glad we did.

Kyle: Yeah I am glad we did also. You always stood by me when I needed you and I know how much our parents get along.

Sapphire: Yeah.

As they walked around Sapphire went to try on a dress and she walked out and Kyle looked at her and told her she looked beautiful which the only men who ever told her that were family.

Sapphire: You really think I look beautiful Kyle?

Kyle: You have always been beautiful to me.

Sapphire: We should go on a date.

Kyle: I would like that. I will have my dad help me pick the place. He was always romantic with my mom.

Sapphire: You look just like him.

Kyle: My mom says I was always like him but I have her freckles but everything else is my dad.

Sapphire: I think that is one of the reasons I fell for you.

Kyle: Maybe that was. I always loved your heart and you have your dad's eyes and your mom's beauty and you always knew how to make me smile.

Sapphire: Thank you Kyle.

Kyle walked back into the dressing room with Sapphire and kissed her.

Sapphire: I always wanted to know what that felt like.

Kyle: It feels nice right?

Sapphire: Yeah, like this was meant to happen between us.

Kyle: Yeah I know.

Sapphire: We should get going and I am going to get this dress.

Kyle: I will get it for you.

Sapphire: Thanks but you don't have to.

Kyle: I want to. I also want us to take things slow and that kiss was the first step of what is to come with us.

Sapphire: I mean we are both sixteen

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Sapphire: I mean we are both sixteen. We should be okay.

Kyle: Yeah. I actually want to have dinner with you and your family tomorrow because I know my parents are coming to see yours tomorrow.

Sapphire: Yeah my mom told me.

Kyle: Thank you for giving me a chance Sapphire.

Sapphire: Thank you for giving me mine. I have had guys come up to me calling me pretty but I really wanted you to be the one I shared my life with.

Kyle: Yeah I knew you were going to say that.

As the day went on Kyle went back to his cousins and friend with a smile on his face while Sapphire went back with Emily and Rebecca.

Rebecca: Sapphire are you okay?

Sapphire: Kyle kissed me.

Rebecca: How did it feel?

Sapphire: Amazing.

Emily: Well at least him and his parents are coming tomorrow. You guys going to break the news then?

Sapphire: Yeah.

Emily: I know your mom is going to be over the moon Sapphire. I know your Aunt Jess was.

Sapphire: Yeah we will see.

The next chapter is going to be interesting.

Stay tuned.

Hey guys!!!!!

Sorry I haven't updated in a long time I was busy catching up on my reading which gave me an idea for this chapter as well as the Netflix shows I have been watching.

Hope you all are staying safe.

Thank you all for reading!

Sarah xoxo

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