Telling the rest of the family.

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Kyle and Sapphire flew in on Saturday morning and Conner couldn't wait to tell his sister about his new job. Aaron and Casey were coming with the kids so this was going to be a one done deal thing.

A couple of hours everyone was in the living room eating appetizers.

Sapphire: Kyle are you ok?
Kyle: Yeah I'm okay.
Sapphire: You sure honey?
Kyle: Yeah. I'm happy for my future brother in law.
Sapphire: Brother in law?
Kyle: Yeah.
Sapphire: Kyle what's going on?
Kyle: Sapphire I want to give you this. This ring was my grandma's and it is a promise ring until one day since I have the approval of your parents and step dad to marry you.

I was crying looking at how wonderful Kyle was with my daughter.

Sapphire: Kyle baby thank you.
Kyle: Anything for you my love.

Sapphire leaned in to kiss him and it was very sweet.

She sat back down with Kyle next to her with a smile on her face

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She sat back down with Kyle next to her with a smile on her face.

Conner: Well since I am going to be working with the Nets Blake what do I need to know?
Blake: How about you and Rebecca come with me to practice with your mom tomorrow?
Conner: Sounds good.
Aaron: I'm happy for you son.
Casey: I'm over the moon about this Conner. This is where you should be and if you need anything besides going to Blake I can help.
Conner: Thanks Casey. Mom did tell me you work with the Knicks.
Casey: Yep I work in their communications department and I love my job honestly. They are pretty great.
Conner: Yeah my friend is doing an internship with them when he graduates next year.
Casey: Let me know maybe I can help him.
Conner: Oh yeah just send me your number and I will shoot it over to him.
Casey: Sounds good.
Aaron: I love how everyone is getting along this is nice.
Me: Yeah I like it also.

Rose was sleeping in her father's arms and Jeter was in Becca's lap. The kids were having fun on the floor playing Monopoly that I bought for them.

Kings: Dad?
Blake: Yes Kings?
Kings: When are you and Sarah getting married?
Blake: In the summer. Why?
Kings: Can I be the flower girl?
Me: You know Kings I was thinking you could be the flower girl.
Blake: Babe really?
Me: Yeah. I had thought about it for awhile and she can walk with my niece. Why not?
Blake: Thank you. This means a lot to me.
Me: Honey I was not going to leave your kids and my step kids out of the wedding. I love them like my own.
Junior: Does that mean I get to be the ring bearer?
Me: Yea it does Junior. You can be with my nephew.
Junior: Sounds good.
Me: Honey I talked to Kelsey she said she would help with the coordination with Joey with the wedding.
Blake: Sounds good. This wedding stuff is a lot. Jesus.
Me: Tell me about it.
Aaron: Where are you guys getting married?
Me: South Carolina. There is this beautiful place where my cousin had her wedding and she thought it was wonderful. We found YouTube videos of it and apparently two NBA guys got married there also.
Casey: I had heard about that.
Me: Yeah Blake thought it would be beautiful. We are having an engagement party where the Yankees have their holiday parties Aaron.
Aaron: Oh I love that place in Long Island right?
Me: Yep. Thought it would be a nice place and Amy and Gerrit already made reservations there for two weeks on a Saturday night.
Aaron: Sounds good.

Having nice conversations with Aaron like this again without trying to figure out who was going to leave who was what we wanted for a long time.

Me: Aaron can I talk to you?
Aaron: Yeah.
Me: Do you mind honey?
Blake: Nope. Go ahead.
Aaron: I will be back Case.
Casey: Okay.

I walked into the kitchen with Aaron while everyone was down the hall in the living room.

Aaron: What's up Sarah?
Me: I'm happy you are happy. John called me and told me you told him about Casey and the kids.
Aaron: Yes he's happy for me.
Me: I wanted you to be happy Aaron. You know that right? Even if we weren't meant to be for the final time doesn't mean I never wanted you to be happy. I just didn't like Sam with you. She wasn't for you.
Aaron: John told me that. He told me she was using me and treating me like shit and what she did with Rose was wrong. Like I didn't even know about my own fuckin daughter being born for the second time!
Me: You see! Now you know how I feel when you didn't show up for Sapphire being born but I never let Sapphire out of your life Aaron. I wanted you to clean up your act in order for you to realize you are still a father. You can come over anytime you want to take care of Rose even if Blake and I adopted her.
Aaron: Im glad you guys did. I know I can trust you guys with her. Sam did one thing correct minus doing everything else in a bat shit way.
Me: That I can agree with you on but how the hell did she know where I lived?!?
Aaron: To be honest I don't know but all I know is that she has eyes in the back of her horns so she must have found out through me at the time.
Me: That would make some sense.
Aaron: Oh the letters that I sent you. Your address here was on it.
Me: Makes sense. You haven't talked to her right?
Aaron: I'm not that insane Sarah. She's done enough I never wanna see her again. She pushed it way way beyond the limit this time.
Me: Good I'm glad you realized that.
Aaron: Thank you Sarah.
Me: You're welcome.

I brought him in for a hug and we walked back out down the hall to the living room.

Blake: Everything ok?
Me: Yep.
Aaron: We just had to settle somethings.
Casey: Guys it is okay if you talk.
Aaron: Yeah I know I just don't want to make it uncomfortable like we are hiding things from you guys. That's wrong.
Casey: Blake and I still talk so it is okay for you two to talk. You guys had a serious past and you have kids together like why the heck would we stop conversations between you both.
Me: I know Casey.
Casey: Sarah whatever happens in life happens for a reason and if this was meant to happen then we just gotta go with the wave.
Sapphire: Mom you used to tell me to go with the wave every single time.
Me: Yep I did honey. I'm proud of you.
Sapphire: Thanks mom.

She walked over to give me a hug and I smiled and kissed her on top of the head.

Casey: Sarah you are such a good mom.
Me: You are also Case.
Casey: Thank you but I wish I gave these two the life you gave Conner and Sapphire.
Me: I understand but you are still Junior and Kings' mom.
Casey: I love them to death and I know you will also.
Me: I always will.

Blake and Aaron just smiled at us and they knew from day one we would always get along no matter how many issues crossed the bridge in life.

Sometimes things are just meant to be when they are through God. 💕

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