Talking with "his best friend." 👨🏽⚾️

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Cody and his family took the kids to some indoor water park and I told Cody I would stay back and you know chill out a little. He thought I needed a day to myself since I was always the one on top of my kids more than his.

Conner and Sapphire were growing as quick as you would think and same with Corey and Emma. It was like Emma had this "spark" about her that I never saw in a child and I knew she would grow up to be an amazing "therapist" one day. She would always try to solve my problems and her dad's in the amount of time you can tell someone "god bless you" for sneezing. As for Corey he would take after his father probably playing for the Dodgers or maybe another team but he knew his dad and I would support him no matter what.

As for Conner well he wanted to be somewhat like his dad but he took the football route and had my brother coach him here and there but he also had the baseball in him so it was going to be an interesting decision for him to make. Sapphire was sassy like me but she had been doing flips a lot lately and that maybe peaked her interest in gymnastics. We shall see where the children end up in the next couple of years.

Thinking about the kids gets you all tide up in the moment until I heard the doorbell ring.

I walked to the door and peaked through the side window and saw it was Cole.

I opened the door and invited him in with a smile.

Cole: Hi Sarah. Cody said you could use the company.
Me: Hi. Yeah I was in the moment thinking about the kids. They seem to be on my mind a lot lately. Especially Emma.
Cole: What's going on with Emma?
Me: She's into the brain too much. The girl is three and she's already talking about marriage.
Cole: 😂😂 Seriously.
Me: Yeah. Like the other day she looked at her father and asked where her mother was and then it was like she knew because Cody doesn't even talk about Sabrina anymore.
Cole: What did Cody say?
Me: He was like Em how do you know Sarah isn't really your mommy? Then she's like because I have mommy's hair but the rest of me looks like you which means something isn't right here.
Cole: She's so damn smart. Where does she get the brains from?
Me: I'm thinking I taught her something but I'm sure Jenn and Clay have been filling her head. She's going to be a marriage therapist or I don't know something with psychology. That girl is so smart it was like she cooks up these scenarios in her head with Sapphire and they all want to ask questions.
Cole: Hahaha who knows those two could have their own practice one day. Maybe be lawyers.
Me: Maybe. I can actually see her and Sapphire having like their own therapy sessions with each other. It is very funny. As for the boys. Corey could be his father or he actually loves to write so he could be a sports writer. He wrote an article about his father.
Cole: How old is he now?
Me: He's ten.
Cole: Yeah maybe he's learning the hard way without his father filling him in on the drama in this world. Conner is the same age?
Me: Mhm. They could have been twins I'm not lying. Conner has a lot of his father in him but with a mixture of me.
Cole: Yeah I know it had to be hard on all four of them jumping around from place to place.
Me: Yeah. I feel bad for the four of them sometimes. It is like you want a better life for them but then again Sapphire and Emma have the same brain as well as the boys so I think it has become and easy adjustment for them.
Cole: What about you?
Me: Me I am who I am and my past still comes back to bite me in the ass. Like with Aaron and Josh it has become insane and then Charles popping up when he wants it kinda sparks my memories with all of them but I remember Yeli telling me one time to take it step by step in the right direction. Sometimes it is easy to say you love someone but it isn't easy to keep the marriage or relationship with them.
Cole: What made you go back to Cody?
Me: His family reminds me of mine. How close they are and how you know grounded they can be. Sometimes you can say you are a family but sometimes that isn't the case. All families are different but when I met Jenn and Clay it was like something clicked in my head. The Yankee past that Clay has with Cody's present it kinda helps me remember why Cody and I love Cooperstown so much and why we love Williamsport.
Cole: Yeah I see what you mean. He does love you Sarah. I know when you feel like you forgot him he never forgot you.
Me: Yeah I know. When I came back to see him it was like nothing left. You remembered the little blue eyed boy from Williamsport and then when it came back to seeing him for the first time in Tampa and him caring so much about me along the way I forgot what that felt like with anyone else.
Cole: Have you told him this?
Me: Yeah I have and he thanks me for sticking by him every single step of the way.
Cole: That's why this family loves you Sarah and that is why as one of your friends I love you also. It is tough to say you love someone so much like you said but you always want to be someone's everything in the time of need.

As Cole and I continued to talk and it passed two hours Cody and the kids came through the door and when they saw Cole they all ran to him.

Conner and Corey of course had this baby brother big brother connection with him and Sapphire as well as Emma always called him Uncle Co which made me laugh.

Sapphire: Hi Uncle Co.
Cole: Hi Sapphire. How are you?
Sapphire: I'm good. Emma and I are being my momma's therapist.
Cole: Mhm. I see that. She has been telling me.
Sapphire: Yeah. I sometimes wish my mommy was really happy again.
Cole: I can assure you she is. ;)
Sapphire: Thank you. :)
Cole: Your welcome. How are you Emma?
Emma: I'm living. But I'm okay. Sapphire seems to be the only person I can lean on since I really don't have a mother figure but I can say this at the age of three and since Sapphire and I are the same age we say that Sarah is more of a mother to both of us than any other woman has been. She always takes care of us as well as the boys.
Cole: Isn't that why she is here?
Emma: Yeah but we know she wants to be here. Not like my mother always walking in and out on daddy.
Cole: You are smart.
Emma: Yeah I try to see the bigger picture.
Cole: 😂😂😉.

Cole looked back at Cody and I and knew we were doing just fine with the four of them. Emma and Sapphire seemed to just be getting along fine and dandy while Corey and Conner well they were solo at times but when teamwork came into play it was like that's all they knew. They knew how to work together and Cody and I always wanted that for them.

While the boys watched the little girls in the living room Cole walked Cody and I into the kitchen.

Cole: I give you guys really big props for bringing the four of them into this picture. This isn't easy for all kids.
Me: Yeah we always try and give them the best even when the times are tough.
Cody: Yeah. I mean I know Emma and Corey still think about their mom but I knew bringing Sarah into their lives was what was best for them.
Me: Conner and Sapphire having a father figure again helped them see the biggest picture in life and that is a family can be blended in many ways.
Cole: You got that right Sarah.
Cody: This kinda feels like the movie "Yours, Mine, and Ours."
Me: I agree. 😂😂

Cole ended up staying for the rest of the day until Little Brother Belli and Ashli came over later to see the kids and to help us out.

Cole: You know you guys can call me for anything even if I'm going to be traveling starting baseball season.
Me: We know Colieo thanks.

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