On Facetime With Grant. 💝👨‍✈️

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Anna and I decided to FaceTime with Grant since I came to visit her. Cody was with his family and I knew he would be fine. If he needed me or needed help with the kids I was on the next flight back to LA but he told me "Go check on Anna" and here I am.

The FaceTime rang a couple of times until a boy in camo showed up with some friends behind him.

Anna: Hi baby.
Grant: Hi baby.
Anna: How is it?
Grant: It is alright. I wish I was home with you though. I miss you honey bunny.
Anna: You know I miss you more than I miss myself sometimes.
Grant: Yeah I know. I will be home soon I promise.
Anna: Do you promise to always call me like this when you can?
Grant: You know I will. Did you have the meeting with James?
Anna: No he didn't come because he knew who you were and didn't want to piss you off anymore so he sent this woman Jane to help Scarlett and I with the paperwork.
Grant: Glad he used his brain. Scarlett is going to work with you?
Anna: She wanted to. She is in the other room now FaceTiming with Caleb. :)
Grant: Oh okay. Hi Sarah. How is the wedding planning coming along?
Me: Hi Grant. Wedding planning is fine just stressful but at the same time I have Cody helping me with his mom and sister so that is a bonus.
Anna: I'm helping in anyways I can.
Me: I'm grateful for that.
Anna: Yeah I know. :)
Grant: Do you have a long list for the wedding Sarah?
Me: Yeah somewhat. I just made a decision the other day to invite Josh.
Grant: I knew you were going to. Sarah I know you wanted him there.
Me: How did you know?
Grant: My instincts Sarah. I knew right away you wanted to invite him because even if you are marrying Cody and I know you love Cody Josh is still on your mind even if you don't want him to be. Have you talked to him?
Me: Nope. When I get back to LA I'm going to drive up to San Diego one day to see him. Maybe take the kids and Cody with me.
Grant: Yeah I like that idea. Sarah you know how hard it was to let Anna slip away from me. She always wanted to go to Cameron who I am now friends with but honestly speaking I know Cameron wanted Anna with me. He just knew that for a fact. Even if in the beginning he was irrational about it. It is the same thing with Josh. Josh wants you in his life Sarah because you helped him overcome a lot in life. Maybe he does deserve to be apart of this wedding.
Me: That's what Kike and Mariana said.
Grant: They were always the smart ones Sarah. Trust me on that. Sometimes you just need to see things from a different perspective that's all. Sarah I'm proud of you for taking that big step.
Me: Thanks Grant.

Anna smiled and listened to the conversation I was having with Grant and she went back to the times that we would talk about him over FaceTime and sometimes she couldn't even believe she was married to him. Grant noticed and I noticed that she was quiet.

Grant: Babe you are quiet. What's wrong?
Anna: I remember those moments on FaceTime with Sarah talking about how special our past was with each other Grant. Honestly speaking high school when I saw you it was like you changed and progressed over the years I even saw you sign for the Marines.
Grant: You saw me sign?!?
Anna: I was in the gym the time that you signed with the Marine next to you. You were wearing a pink button down shirt with your hair looking all floppy that I just wanted to be yours and run my hands through it. That time I didn't think you recognized me as the girl with the "Gold eyes" anymore. I was pretty much in the corner but then I knew you would be an amazing person and come back to me one day and I guess God took the wheel and pretty much helped out.
Grant: Baby I'm so happy you remember those times because that is what keeps us closer together as a married couple.
Anna: Yeah I know. Had I married someone else I wouldn't have had that connection with them from past to present that I can have with you. Did you remember me at all?
Grant: Yeah I remember those eyes and I remember you playing softball and watching you play inspired me to become or make something of myself but I knew softball isn't what you were at the time. You were just a girl I really liked at the time that really wanted to put her life on the line for everyone and it broke my heart Anna you have no idea. I wanted to go out and kiss you for the amount of times you saved yourself and others because I know you didn't want to do it but something was pushing you to do it.
Anna: Thank God you remembered all that.
Grant: Yeah I do but baby they are telling us we have to get off but I will call you as soon as I can and I will be home soon. I love you!!! ❤️
Anna: Okay. 😭 I love you more Grant! Bye baby!
Grant: Bye honey bunny. ❤️ Bye Sarah.
Me: Bye Grant. Be safe. :)
Grant: Thanks. ❤️

Getting off I knew from FaceTime was hard for Anna so I brought her into a hug and she cried into my shoulder.

Anna: Sarah is he going to be ok?😭 Me: I know for a fact he is fine

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Anna: Sarah is he going to be ok?😭
Me: I know for a fact he is fine. He's going to be okay and he's going to come home and you can make all the love you want. Honestly Anna he loves you more than the entire universe. I know that because I love Cody like that and deep down I love Josh like that as well. Grant is right about everything. You need to be strong for him because if he sees you break down that is going to break him down and he doesn't need that at the moment. We can keep praying for him every single night and before you know it he is going to be home.

Scarlett: She's right Anna!
Sydney: Yeah she is!
Anna: Sydney why didn't you come and say hi to your brother?!?
Sydney: I FaceTimed him earlier. He told me he was going to call you. :)
Anna: Oh okay. :)
Sydney: He loves you Anna. ❤️ Always and always. ❤️
Anna: I know. ❤️

That night Anna prayed for him to come home safe like she did every single night. She also prayed for Caleb and the others who couldn't come home. Honestly Anna had a big heart and she happened to love Grant's heart the most. ❤️

Keeping Promises (Trilogy to Earning His Love)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن