A Day with The Cole's. 🙂

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I woke up on top of Aaron that morning with a smile on my face and I remember when we used to sleep like this a lot before we had the kids. His chest was always smooth and comforting and to be honest it felt like home to me right at the moment. I went back to sleep on it and I felt him run his fingers up and down my back and it felt nice. He smelled like Gillette shaving cream and to be honest he used this men's lotion that just smelled amazing that it wasn't too overpowering. I loved his distinct smell and he didn't get rid of that. I looked up and saw those eyes and they were the same wonderful baby brown that I know and loved. He placed a kiss on my forehead and it felt amazing warm, smooth, and homey.

Aaron: Morning.
Me: Mmmmm Morning.
Aaron: Someone missed my chest.
Me: Yeah, I feel warm.
Aaron: I'm so glad you do. All I want to do Sarah is make you and the kids happy. That's all. I don't want anything else but the love you give me so I can give it back to you guys.
Me: Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Aaron: I love you Sarah.

I looked at him and tear came down my face.

Me: I love you too. :)

I leaned up to kiss him and his lips were smooth like I remembered them to be. ❤️

Aaron: That felt so nice

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Aaron: That felt so nice.
Me: Mhm. :)
Aaron: I forgot to mention to you that Sapphire is going to hang out with us tomorrow because she is going out with Jess and G again today. The Cole's want to have a double date.
Me: Amy and Gerrit are the sweetest so that sounds nice. :)
Aaron: Yeah I like being around them.
Me: Yeah, their love is so pure it makes me smile so much.
Aaron: Mhm. ❤️

Later on that day Sapphire said bye to us and she went with G and Jess for the day.

Gerrit and Amy showed up a couple of minutes after she left and they brought us into a hug when they came in.

Amy: Sarah it is so good to finally meet you!!!
Me: You too Amy.
Gerrit: Nice to see you again Sarah.
Me: You as well Gerrit.

Aaron said his hellos to them and we walked to the kitchen.

Aaron: How are you guys?
Gerrit: We are good. Just hanging in there and our son is wonderful. He's with my parents for the week and we check on him from time to time.
Aaron: That's nice. The twins are with my parents and Sapphire is out with Jessica and Giancarlo and my son Connor is with his girlfriend Rebecca in Arizona.
Gerrit: Oh that's so nice they are all in a good place in life.
Aaron: Yeah dude they are.

Amy and I walked into the living room and we started having some girl talk.

Amy: Sarah you are more beautiful in person. :)
Me: You are so sweet. You are also. :)
Amy: Thank you Sarah. :)

As we continued to conversate and our men joined us.

Gerrit: Sarah, I'm sorry about Cody.
Aaron: I told them Sarah, I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have.
Me: No no, I'm glad you did tell them. They deserved to know.
Aaron: Okay.
Me: Gerrit it wasn't meant to be. To be honest it was another lesson.
Amy: Sarah you don't deserve that kinda behavior. It is uncalled for and very rude. I hope Cody is going to face you one day for his stupid moves. No one like you should have to go through that not once but twice. That's not fair to you or to the kids.
Me: Yeah I know the kids took it hard but they got over it when I got over it.
Gerrit: Sarah you are strong I know God is watching over you and giving you a heads up on what to expect for the future.
Me: Thank you, I appreciate it.

As we continued to talk it was nice opening up to them about how Aaron and I met and Amy thought it was so sweet how God brought us back together again somehow.

Amy: Did it feel nice waking up to him this morning Sarah?
Me: Yeah I didn't want to leave the bed. It was like comfortable.
Amy: That is very peaceful. Trust me I know what that feels like when I'm with this one behind me all the time. It is nice to know someone loves you and cherishes you Sarah as you do with them.
Me: Trust me it is a good feeling to just wake up on his chest and feel his heart beat and you know remember the times in the past where you used to be like that without the kids.
Amy: I still feel like that. It is such an amazing feeling. Honestly when you love someone so much no matter the heart break or the time apart you always come back when you know it was the best times or time in your life. The pictures Gerrit showed me of you guys in the past Sarah it was like it was love. The picture on the mound I know what that feels like because we used to take a lot of pictures like that in college. It is the best feeling and the picture was so cute.
Me: I miss that picture a lot and to be honest one day maybe we can do a retake of it.
Aaron: I would like that honey. :)

As the day went on and Sapphire walked through the door with G and Jess and they smiled and walked over to us with hugs.

Jess walked into the kitchen with me and Amy. Sapphire wanted to spend sometime with her dad, uncle, and Gerrit.

Jess: Sarah you look happier today.
Amy: I told her the same thing.
Me: Maybe it was the time apart from him and he changed a lot.
Jess: He did Sarah and I know you love that change in him. He did a lot of thinking and I'm so glad he came to conclusion how much he needed you.
Amy: Jess is right Sarah. He missed you more than you missed him.
Me: I did miss a lot of moments with him and now that Sapphire and Connor can talk to him and having younger siblings it is gonna be nice.
Amy: That's a happy family. It is nice to see that.
Jess: Very nice.

The rest of the day was happy and peaceful and that is what we all needed. ❤️

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