Love Him The Right Way.

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I woke up the next morning with Jeter next to my head and Blake's face literally so close to mine. Oh my god these two are the same when it comes to loving on Sarah.

Blake: Good morning princess. Oh my god where is Jeter?!? Jeter!
Me: Babe. He's right here.
Blake: How the heck did he get up here??!
Me: He climbed his little fuzzy butt up here and on my pillow.

Jeter started licking my face and I was giggling the whole time.

Blake: Haha 😂😂.
Me: Jeter let mommy get up first.

He barked and ran to the kitchen for his breakfast and Blake went to give it to him.

As I was fixing the bed I get a call from a random number.

I picked it up to make sure I didn't block someone I knew.

Is this Sarah?
Me: This is she.
This is the media team at the Brooklyn Nets.
Me: Oh god. I'm so sorry about my actions yesterday I didn't mean to be so unprofessional.
No no, we are glad you did. You defended not only your boyfriend but our organization.
Me: Oh I see. Who am I speaking with?
This is Steven I work with the Nets media and we wanted to know if you could help us with content for the team?
Me: Oh I would love to but why me?
Steven: Oh good, I feel like your content about your boyfriend is amazing and we want you to post about the team on our social media account and if you want to write articles on Blake or any of the other guys you can. We want an opinion from a woman anyways.
Me: I would have to talk to Blake about this because I don't want him feeling uncomfortable being that I am going to be writing about him.
Steven: I agree, you can get back to me in a couple of days. Save the number in your phone and if someone else picks up just ask for Steven.
Me: Okay thank you. Have a good day.
Steven: You too Sarah.

I walked into the kitchen after I finished getting ready with a smile and Blake was at the table reading something on his iPad with Jeter next to him on the floor.

Me: Babe.
Blake: Hey.
Me: Can I talk to you for a minute?
Blake: Yeah.
Me: So you know Steven that works for Nets media?
Blake: Yeah good guy.
Me: He wants me to work with the media team and write my point of view on the team and he wants me to do articles on you.
Blake: What did you tell him?
Me: That I would talk to you about it.
Blake: Do you want to?
Me: I would like to but I don't want everyone thinking I got the job because of my horrible behavior and I don't want them thinking I got it because you are with me.
Blake: You have your own identity Sarah. You know what you need to do and I want you with the team.
Me: Are you sure?
Blake: Yes. I know this must make you happy but you are going to be honest about me right?
Me: Of course. You know I love you.
Blake: I love you too. I just want you to be happy Sarah.
Me: Thank you but I don't want to hurt you either. I love you too much to hurt you.
Blake: Thank you. 🥰 This sport needs more women in it and I'm glad you get to be one of the writer's. I know you will be great.
Me: Thanks. 🥰

A couple of minutes later Giancarlo called.

Me: Hey G.
Giancarlo: Hey Sarah.
Me: What's up?
Giancarlo: You are one bad ass woman.
Me: Oh the video yeah.
Giancarlo: You did the right thing Sarah.
Me: I went about it the wrong way G.
Giancarlo: I know why you think that but I still think you did the right thing. He had no right to come into that arena like that.
Me: You are right he didn't but I got something positive out of it.
Giancarlo: What's the positive?
Me: Looks like the Nets media team wants me to be a writer for the Nets.
Giancarlo: Sarah that's incredible. Did you talk to Blake about it?
Me: Yeah he told me he wants me to be happy but I have a couple of days to think on it and I don't want to hurt him G if I have to write something bad about him because it is my job.
Giancarlo: Sarah, listen to me. He wants what is best for you and he loves you so no matter what you have to write or do write I know you will write it out of love for him and for the team. Yes I know you are used to writing about baseball and football but I think this is good for you.
Me: Yeah I am gonna think about it and maybe talk to the Curry's.
Giancarlo: Yeah I think you should talk to them also.
Me: Anyways how is everyone on your end.
Giancarlo: Yeah everyone is fine. Jess was cracking up when you went at Aaron though.
Me: Haha. Typical Jess.
Giancarlo: That's why I married her. Anyways I have errands to run so I will talk to you soon.
Me: Okay have a good one.
Giancarlo: You too.

I got off the phone and Blake was sitting across from me with a smile on his face.
Me: what is with the smile.
Blake: You really love me don't you?
Me: Yeah I do.
Blake: Come over then and show me how much.

I walked over to him and leaned in to kiss him but he pulled me into him and to be honest I do not think I could get used to his kisses.

Blake: I don't think I could get used to your kisses.
Me: Well you will be getting them for a very long time.
Blake: Good.
Me: I don't like to see you get hurt okay. I love you too much and I do not want to be the one who has to write a bad article about you. I thought about you before taking the job which if I was someone else I wouldn't have done that I would have just taken the job but Blake you are remarkable and if it takes the whole world to read about how amazing you are then I want to be the one to write about it.
Blake: Thank you. ☺️
Me: Remember if something is bothering you please come to me. I want to help.
Blake: Same with you.
Me: I know. Thank you. ❤️

We ended up taking a nap on the couch with Jeter on the other cushion next to us.

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