From Aaron's Perspective. 🙂 Calls from John. 🙂

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Aaron's Place.
Aaron's POV:
I woke up the next morning after leaving Sarah and Blake's and Casey was next to me in my arms. I never knew Sarah and Blake would do this for me but Casey has been the best thing that has happened to me since seeing my daughter and letting the correct people come back into my life.

I looked down at my phone and saw a missed call from my brother. Casey was up already and she smiled up at me and gave me a kiss.

Casey: Morning.
Aaron: Morning.
Casey: Did you sleep ok?
Aaron: You are the best thing that has happened to be since I saw my daughter.
Casey: 🥰. I'm glad.
Aaron: I need to thank Blake and Sarah one day.
Casey: To be honest with you I need to also. The whole thing with my ex-fiancé that went down I was kinda thrown under the bus but now it is like I know where I need to be. The kids seem to like you I guess when Sarah told you about them.
Aaron: Yeah she did. They are great kids.
Casey: Thanks. Didn't you say your brother called you?
Aaron: Do you mind if I FaceTime with him?
Casey: No I don't mind.

He clicked the missed FaceTime on his phone and his brother picked up with a smile.

John: Hey bro.
Aaron: Hey man.
John: You seem happier. What happened?
Aaron: Well for starters I went to the adoption agency and found out who adopted my daughter. I found out from mom about it and apparently the psycho bitch dropped the baby off in her carrier to Sarah and Blake's.
John: what the actual hell !?
Aaron: That's what I said. She didn't even tell me she was in labor but called her parents instead.
John: I told you bro from day one that woman was no damn good for you. Can you stop going to these hoe ass women who don't give ninety shits about you!
Aaron: That's a bad habit of mine.
John: Yeah and you need to stop and smell the coffee beans and realize there are women out there looking for men like you Aaron. Look at what happened with Sarah. Thank god Joey was there for her who guided her with the help of the Cole's to Blake. Dude Blake is exactly like you. You guys went through the same damn shit. Stop pushing the good ones away because they remind you of Sarah.
Aaron: Yeah speaking of good ones you know Casey right?
John: Yes.

Aaron flipped the camera around and she was sitting next to him in bed reading.

Casey: Hi John.
John: Oh hey. 😁
Casey: I'm sorry he had to do this.
John: No, I'm glad! How did this happen?!?
Casey: I caught my ex fiancé in the act with a woman from his job since he works for the Miami Heat at a restaurant with my kids in Florida and I called Sarah and told her. She told me to pack up my stuff and such with the kids and come up here.
John: Damn she still finds time to play matchmaker. Where do you work now?
Casey: I work with the Knicks now.
John: Oh good. I'm glad.
Casey: Yeah.
Aaron: Dude I have to cut in she is the best thing that has happened to me since meeting my daughter I swear.
Casey: Yeah he did say that to me. Maybe I give him some sense of security.
John: You actually do. I know we keep bringing up Sarah and I'm sorry but you don't understand how amazing of an impact she has put on you Casey.
Casey: To be honest when she was with Aaron and my relationship with Blake was in the cracks I was really jealous of how amazing her life was, little did I know she was going through way much more pain than I was. I found out from someone and they knew her personally and told me what you see is not what is actually happening.
John: Yep you both went through a lot and timing is everything with you both. When Sarah had the kids it was a roller coaster with her and Aaron and now instead of going back and forth they fought and realized the friend zone was better than anything at this point.
Aaron: She looks much happier now with Blake than she ever did with me. I was a coward from start to finish with her and to be honest maybe Casey is who I needed.
John: What you did need was someone who was exactly like you in a female body and that is Casey if you think about it. You guys were once the heart breakers but then maybe sometimes the heart breakers need that sense of shit kicked in the ass to realize they needed each other all along. What amazed me is that Sarah and Blake of all people set you up with Casey. That doesn't really shock me but it is amazing how God works in mysterious ways.
Casey: That I agree on.

John heard kids in the back ground and they waved.

John: Those kids look exactly like Blake.
Kings: Yep he's our father.
John: They are very sweet Case.
Casey: Thank you.
John: Anyways I'm going to let you guys go I have work to do and I have to take care of my own family. I should be coming into the city soon for good but I will let you know Aaron.
Aaron: Okay bro.

As he hung up with his brother he had this content smile on his face.

Kings: Do my brother and I really look like dad mom?
Casey: Oh yeah. Junior is a spitting image of him and you are the female version. It is pretty crazy how his genetics are strong as ever that they came to you.
Junior: I knew this.
Aaron: The sass on you two is remarkable.
Casey: That's from me. Lol.
Aaron: Makes sense.

The kids came up on the bed with them and it was nice. Aaron knew he could not fuck up what he had with Casey because knowing that Sarah and Blake helped him he had to hold onto her for as long as he possibly could.

Casey: You ok?
Aaron: Oh yeah. Just in my thoughts about how I have to hold onto you.
Casey: Same with me.
Aaron: I think this just might work out.
Casey: Yeah I was thinking the same.

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