A Blake Vent Session. 👍

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Okay everyone I know you guys want another chapter but I will update that tomorrow. This part is just a vent because I need to get something off my chest.

Everyone should know who Blake Griffin is in real life and not only in my book. He's such a wonderful person inside and out and I honestly wish more people in this world took the time to get to know him. He's an all around amazing person and I pray to the lord
I do meet him one day. The man yes is a veteran in the sport of basketball but that doesn't make him someone's piece of ass or someone's booty call. It makes him a very determined athlete who loves what he does. Basketball professionally comes with ups and downs absolutely just like every other thing in life does but Blake is a wonderful human being and I wish like I said before people saw what I see in him. Yes it took me a long time to get back into basketball because I used to watch baseball a lot but when I got to know who Blake was deep deep down and I did the correct research on him I came to find that he's such a wonderful teammate, dad, son, brother, just all around amazing person. Hard to find people like that who still stay humble and keep the correct people left in their lives. I hope Blake one day realizes who the right people are in his life and how to get rid of the wrong ones. I don't like when people use him and take advantage of him or take pity on him just because you morons think he is an unfit father. That's absolutely WRONG! Blake is a wonderful dad and when he can be there for his kids he always will put them before anyone else. I want you to take the time to read this and understand that Blake is just who he says he is, an all around amazing human. ❤️


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