Sapphire's First Date and talks with Amy Cole.

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It has been a week since Sapphire told all of us she was dating Kyle LeMahieu and I couldn't have been more happier for her. Kyle and her to be honest were a match made in heaven and you could tell they appreciated each other which was sooo nice to see.

Sapphire walked into the living room and she sat next to me while I was talking to Amy Cole.

Amy: Sapphire you are glowing and you look beautiful.

Me: Thank you Amy.

Amy: Your welcome sweetie. Where is Kyle taking you?

Me: He is taking me to Yankee Stadium for a picnic in the grass because Uncle DJ spoke to Coach Boone and he said it was okay as long as we didn't make a mess since the grass is hard to maintain.

Amy: That is sooo sweet. I want you guys to have fun and trust me you can always be open with us about anything Sapphire and we will be happy to help you.

Me: Thank you Amy.

Amy: Your welcome sweetie.

The door bell rang and Sapphire ran to the door to open and she was giddy while Kyle just gave her a kiss on the cheek and they waved bye to both of us before they walked out.

Amy: They are sweet but is someone going to be watching over them?

Me: Yeah I spoke to Cash and Hal they said they would drive them home afterwards since DJ and Aaron are going to be the ones to drop them off. I am still Sapphire's mom and I worry about her even if I trust Kyle.

Amy: Nope that is what mom's should do. They should care when things like this happen. I am going to be like that with Caden in the future.

Me: See this is why I can talk to you.

Amy: Oh you can always talk to me.

A couple of seconds later Jordan LeMahieu walked in with Jess Stanton.

Jess: Hey girls.

Jordan: Hey girls.

Me: Hey you two.

Amy: Hi Ladies.

Jordan: Who knew my son would be with your daughter Sarah.

Me: Oh I knew it was bound to happen. You should have seen the look on Sapphire's face when she saw one girl with Kyle on his instagram.

Jordan: Oh gosh. Poor girl.

Me: She saw this one photo and I saw her face and she looked like she wanted to cry.

Jordan: Which photo?

I showed Jordan Kyle's instagram and she just smiled and knew who the girl was.

Jordan: That is my cousin Abby. She has a boyfriend so Kyle is only like her brother there is nothing Sapphire needed to worry about. I am glad she cares about him though.

Me: Oh she does. Last night she was stressing over how to make herself look pretty and I was like I remember being like that with Aaron when we were dating.

Jordan: I was like that with DJ.

Amy: Personally I think all of us were like that at one point.

Jess: Oh yes, it was.

Jordan: I am still going to keep an eye on them. I think all of us are.

Me: Heck yes.

Jordan: We are still mothers and they are sixteen which means they are not legal until they are twenty-one.

Me: Very true.

At Yankee Stadium.........

DJ and Aaron were sitting in Cashman's office with Hal.

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