The Friends for Dinner and Casual Talks from the Past.

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Waking up next to the man you love has got to be the best feeling in the freaking world. I really was so blessed to have Blake in my life and for him and I to share nice moments with Jeter and Rose was a blessing and a half.

Blake: Rose wants cuddles.
Me: Hi sweet girl come here.

Sarah brought in Rose and gave her kisses on the head and the cheeks and she was making little gummy smiles which was nice to see.

Blake was holding Jeter giving him kisses on the head when both of us walked into the kitchen.

Gail: You two are really precious.
Tommy: They are honey.
Blake: Thanks Mom.
Gail: You're welcome sweetie.
Blake: Dad do you want to hold Jeter while I start cooking?
Tommy: Yeah sure son. Come here boy.

As Jeter was being held and feeling happy. Blake and his mom were cooking breakfast while I was holding Rose.

Blake: Babe you got her?
Me: Yeah baby I'm fine. 🙂
Blake: Okay.

Tommy: It is nice to see you two check on each other throughout the day. The reason why many couples are struggling is because there are all these expectations and honestly you really don't need to follow them. Society thinks they know what is best for us and they don't they only set us up for failure but with you guys there is always a spark I can see it.
Blake: Dad we just follow what our hearts tell us not what others tell us. We don't care what the next couple is doing we just want to be the couple that loves each other unconditionally and is willing to change the world our way.
Tommy: I love it son. I know I raised you the right way.
Gail: Honey your father and I know how rough your past was. All we wanted for you was to be happy but honestly speaking we knew you weren't. We just wanted you to figure that out yourself. Until we met Sarah did we realize that you are going to be in good hands.
Me: Don't worry Gail your son is going to be okay with me. Trust me. I wouldn't have made any future plans with him if I didn't think I would be okay with him and him with me. He helps me realize that good men are still in this world and that I just hit a very very bad batch of them. I just wanted to be needed and loved the way I give others when they need it. I never really got that long term. Aaron was a mess period it was emotionally unstable day in and out. Even the day I met Aaron I didn't know as naive as I was getting myself into. I just went with the wave and pray it didn't try and drown me. Little did I know I needed someone besides me not ready to leave me. Until I met your son did I realize what real love was. We wake up every single morning knowing we are getting married and knowing I don't have to be married to assholes again.
Tommy: You see Blake?
Blake: Yeah dad. ☺️
Gail: She's definitely a keeper.
Me: I told him I will always try and be there for him and if I'm not then I'm going to work around my schedule to make sure I am there. He picked me up when I fell. Joey dealt with the difficult questions end of me but still I wasn't as open when I met Blake I was still very scared to love again but with your son I felt like the world wasn't against me anymore that I really was in love.
Gail: I just love hearing and listening to you talk about my son like that Sarah. I don't think any woman has been that in love with him ever actually. They were always there for the favors and such but they never stayed for the party. Though you just brushed the favors away and took the chance on him.
Me: I feel so much safer when I'm with him.
Tommy: That's what we want Sarah.
Blake: She always takes care of me guys. Like there is never a moment that goes by where she doesn't say "Blake I love you." Just those words I know she really loves me. Like she isn't just sitting and looking pretty.
Tommy: The good ones Blake are usually the ones that go the extra miles for you like Sarah does but the others are the ones that say they are going to be there and don't show up are the ones your mother and I don't like.

As the conversation continued it was now the afternoon and the Stanton's said they were on their way.

A couple of minutes later the door bell rang.

I went to open it while Rose and Jeter were down for their naps.

Giancarlo: Hey Sarah!
Me: Hey G!
Giancarlo: What's going on?
Me: Nothing much. Hey Jess!
Jess: Hi sis!

Jess and G came into the house and gave Blake and his parents hugs.

Blake: How's it going guys?
Jess: Its going good. The kids came last weekend with the grand kids and they went back to their own homes and now we are just the couple that enjoys life.
Me: I'm glad.
Giancarlo: You guys look very happy.
Tommy: You see Blake I told you I wasn't the only one!
Gail: I'm glad you guys said that.
Jess: Sarah ever since Joey and The Cole's set you up with Blake you have been nothing but over the moon happy all the Yankee couples are enjoying every single minute of it.
Me: Oh yeah? Like who?
Jess: First of all they love how you and Blake set Aaron up with Casey because I heard they are happy as ever and then Gleyber and Elizabeth have all smiles because they knew with God you would always be happy again. Jordan and DJ we talked about you guys yesterday to them. It is like everyone's conversations are about you guys. Even LeBron called G yesterday asking how you guys were.
Blake: Wait Bron called you guys?!?
G: Yep he did. He said he's really happy for you guys and he's collaborating with the Yankees for some charity so G has been keeping in contact with him sometimes. It is like all these couples including us wish we had what you guys have. This unconditional love.
Gail: You two are absolutely correct. I never saw my son this happy and Sarah whatever you are doing continue to do it. You are keeping that wonderful smile on his face.
Me: I guess it is who I am to the correct people.
Jess: You got that right Sarah.
G: Sarah when you were with the Yankee couples you always put up this image that you were happy with Aaron. Jess and I just knew you weren't. You just didn't want to be alone and that's fine I understand but Sarah the way you look at Blake we know right away you never even looked at anyone that way before. Even Aaron told us with Casey. Casey literally said "she is so happy with him it makes me happy." Aaron saw the looks you give each other and to be honest at first he felt guilty he didn't give that to you when he wanted to but he knew Blake picked up your broken pieces and put them back together.
Blake: I love Sarah very much and I'm going to do whatever I need to do to prove that much to her. She deserves it just as much as I do.
Gail: This is why God put you two together.
Me: Yeah I guess that is why.

I leaned in to kiss him and he did the same back.

G: That spark is there

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G: That spark is there. 😊
Tommy: We all see it. 💕

Blake and I smiled back and we were just content with everything.

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