A Talk With Corey. Mending Fences. ❤️

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There are times when you need other mouths to help you understand that fighting helps you understand concepts better. When you let out your anger it helps people understand you better.

My talk with Cody yesterday helped me see who I was as a person and who I want to be for our kids.

I was at the stadium one day and I overheard someone say that Corey gives the best advice when it comes down to relationships and love. I couldn't help but always have him in the back of my head for a reference. Today was the day I was going to speak to him. Cody was out with his family and I told him I was going to have Corey over to talk and of course he happily thought that was a good idea knowing how Corey is.

I was sitting on the couch when the door bell rang.

Walking to the door I couldn't help but remember I was still in my mom pjs but not like Corey gave a crap.

I opened the door and there stood the tall Southern man handsome as ever with a smile on his face and a box of donuts.

Thinking in the back of my head how the heck did he know to bring donuts? Then I thought again. Cody. 😂

Corey: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey Core.
Corey: How are you?
Me: I'm alright. Just feeling ehh.
Corey: That's why Cody told you to come talk to me right?
Me: Actually no, um I overhead someone in the dugout one day say that you give the best love and relationship advice.
Corey: Well they happen to be right and it depends also on who said it. Do you remember who said it?
Me: Um I think it was Austin.
Corey: Yeah Barney would say something like that. He has come to me so many times with problems and somehow I helped him work through it and now he is as clean as a whistle with his life. Was he the only one?
Me: Yeah.
Corey: Okay that's good. What seems to be your issue?
Me: Well I'm sure you heard what happened a day or two ago.
Corey: Yeah I found out since I couldn't make it because of a family emergency. I'm sorry Sarah. You and Cody didn't deserve that. People are seriously their own enemy sometimes. Also, I found out you lost the baby. That must be heartbreaking.
Me: Yeah it is taking a toll on Cody and I but we are working through it. I need just some life advice for what I should do and Cody I talked to him earlier about it and he knew it was a good idea for me to come to you.
Corey: He is right Sarah. Thank you for coming to me. My only advice is to love Cody more and more each day and to just cherish the moments you have with him. I do that with Mady a lot and we may disagree on somethings and we may fight but in the end we know why we are a good team. Sarah I saw you that day in Arizona in the locker room with Cody and when he leaned down to kiss you that smile really went right through that kiss and your relationship with him was never forced. Yes what he had with Sabrina was a wake up call for him and what you had with Judge definitely was a lesson learned also but he's made for you Sarah weather you think so or not. God was talking to you and telling you this is the human you should be with. Cody has helped you through so much and I'm so glad there is only one of him because the world we live in doesn't deserve another of him. He's too humble, sweet, and kind when this world is sometimes cruel and vicious.

I couldn't help but nod my head and cry at the same time because that is what kept me going with Cody.

Me: Thank you Corey. That is what I needed to hear.
Corey: Your welcome Sarah. I'm glad I was able to help.

A couple of minutes later Cody came walking through the door with the rest of his family and the kids and they had a smile on their face when they saw me hugging Corey.

Cody: Do you feel better Sarah?
Me: Yeah, I really do.
Cody: I thought so.
Me: Cody you know you really are God's gift to me.
Cody: Why's that?
Me: The rest of the world like Corey just told me doesn't deserve a man like you. The world would ruin you but when I have you in my arms holding me at night I just know deep down that you would never let go. You wouldn't leave me when I need you and you would never leave our kids when they need you.
Corey: Dad, mom is right. You never left Emma or I and you took Conner and Sapphire under your wing when you didn't have to. You could have just left mom, Conner and Sapphire on the door step and told them to get a move on but you didn't. You have a fight in you and that is why mom loves you. Sabrina was never a mother to us because if she was she would still be here. She told us that Sarah was more of a mother to us than she ever was and we had to agree with her on that.

Conner: Mom, we love you and dad more than you can imagine and I know with God watching we are going to make it through anything possible in life.

Sapphire: Uncle Corey, thank you for helping mom. She needed to talk to someone who for once didn't judge her opinion or who didn't throw her under the bus like my father did.

Emma: I have to agree. Sarah is more like a guardian angel to us dad. She makes you smile and we love seeing you smile.

Corey: You see Cody.
Cody: Yeah man I do. That is why I named Corey after you. He's got an amazing head on his shoulders and I know for a fact he might look like me but he takes after you.
Corey: Well I'm happy to hear that. If you guys ever need Mady or I feel free to reach out. We would be more than happy to come over.
Cody: Thanks man.
Corey: Your welcome.

As Corey said his good byes and thank you's for the kind words exchanged towards him we closed the door behind him.

Cody and I went to sit outside by the back patio to talk when his parents were cooking dinner with the kids.

Cody: So.
Me: Hehe. So.
Cody: This is nice.
Me: Yeah. It is.
Cody: I love you Sarah. 🥰
Me: Love you more Code. ❤️

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