Jeter and Dad Moments. 😂

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I woke up the next morning so Aaron and I could meet Anthony and Emily at the bakery in two hours. I look over and see Jeter lying on top of Aaron's chest with his belly in the air and I couldn't help but crack up laughing. Aaron had no idea he was on him but it was just cute to see. I took a picture of it and went back to sleep.

Aaron's POV:

I woke up and I see fur on me and then I see Jeter's belly in the air and I was laughing. Sarah looked over and woke up and she didn't even know how he ended up there but his fluffy butt did. I was rubbing his belly and then I took my hand off and he just looks over at me like "Dad no hand back on the belly."

I walked over to the bathroom and he follows me and sticks his head by the door hinge. He really has been following me the whole day and I wanted to know why because he was never like this.

Me: Honey what is going on with him?
Aaron: I don't know. Ever since I woke up he's been on my tail. I'm like lord puppy I love you but wow.
Me: Where is he now?
Aaron: Next to me on the floor.
Me: He really loves you.
Aaron: Yeah I know.

I went down to pet him and he put his head into my hand. I gave him his food and he began to chow down with his water bowl next to him.

A couple of seconds later Anthony and Emily brought Juju and walked through the house.

Anthony: Did you guys sleep ok?
Me: Yeah we did until Jeter's fluffy butt ended up on Aaron's chest this morning with his belly in the air. Then we were petting him and he gave us that look when we stopped.
Emily: Haha that's like Juju she likes to be scratched behind the ears and when we don't do that she wants to decapitate us when we stop so yeah. Haha.
Me: That's adorable. Em can I talk to you for a minute?
Emily: Yeah sure girl.

I took a walk with her down the block while the guys stayed in the house with the dogs.

Emily: What's up girl?
Me: I was wondering if you had any tips for a romantic dinner I wanted to do for Aaron.
Emily: You know what I think you should do?
Me: What?
Emily: Do you guys have a place where you go besides upstate NY that is closer that you guys can have alone time?
Me: Yeah we usually go to South Street Seaport.
Emily: Take him there first and walk around with him then maybe you should take him to the Empire State Building on the top of it.
Me: Yeah I think that would be nice. I will look into it. I know he's going to retire from baseball soon but we will see what happens after that. Conner is getting married and Sapphire is on her way into that stage soon. I want to do something before we renew our wedding vows soon.
Emily: That would be a good idea for you guys to do that. I also heard from Anthony that Cody and Sabrina are back together.
Me: Yeah he has a daughter now and then he has his two older kids that he had with her.
Emily: What happened to the ones she had with Aaron.
Me: Oh yeah she took custody of the boys they are grown now and keep in contact with us.
Emily: I'm glad you guys keep in touch with all the kids. Some families after awhile they forget about the kids because the kids get older and they feel like they aren't part of the family anymore but that isn't what you guys did and I'm proud of you all. Cody I know needed a lot of help getting his mental and emotional side back to the way it used to be because the girl he was with from what Anthony told me was a nightmare. I guess she was another Samantha?
Me: Actually I felt like she was worse but almost the same in mannerisms of I just want money and fame not compassionate love and understanding if you know what I mean.
Emily: I completely understand. I'm glad you and Aaron actually talked about everything because I know how you and Cody were wanting to remain friends and such.
Me: Yeah we did. Honestly him and I did have the marriage and the relationship at the time but I guess timing was everything.
Emily: Sometimes that is really how it is.

A couple of minutes later Emily got a FaceTime call from Jess Bryant. Kris got traded to the San Fran Giants so we talk only through FaceTime until they come back and visit.

Jess: Hey ladies!
Emily: Hey girl. How are you!
Jess: I'm good, just wanted to check in and see how you girls were. We are getting more and more each day settled into this new place and maybe you guys since it is the off season come and spend some time with us maybe.
Me: Yeah we would love that. Did you hear about Cody and Sabrina getting back together? They are renewing their wedding vows next week.
Jess: Actually we were invited and Kris and I are coming in with Kyler in a couple of days we can meet up with our men if that is what you girls want.
Emily: Yeah we would love that. Sarah and I are open and we know the guys barely have anything to do so why not.
Jess: Cool. I will see you girls in a couple of days.
Emily: Yep see you.
Me: Bye Jess.
Jess: Bye! :)

This would be nice again to be able to see Jess and Kris with the little one. We haven't seen them in awhile but what Jess didn't know was that I was renewing my wedding vows with Aaron and I knew she was going to be over the moon about it when she finds out soon.

The next chapter we meet up with everyone and let's see what happens.

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