My Heart Goes Back To You. Pt.2 ❤️

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I flew into Jersey with Sapphire since Connor and his girlfriend are now living together and to be honest I know I can trust them together. I also told Ellen and her family to watch over them and she said she would keep me posted. I haven't spoken to any of the Bellinger family so it has kept me moving forward and I got to spend more time with my family and my daughter.

Mom: Sweetie, are you sure you are okay?
Me: Mom, what is meant to be will be. I'm okay. I promise.
Mom: Well I'm glad Sapphire is keeping you grounded. She's just like you you know. How is Connor and Rebecca?
Me: They live together now and both are going to college soon so it is so great with them.
Mom: I'm glad he is happy. Sapphire needs some time with you.
Me: Yeah I know.
Mom: Have you spoken to anyone here?
Me: I am actually having dinner with Aaron later.
Mom: Did he tell you?
Me: What??
Mom: He and Sabrina got a divorce.
Me: Your kidding?!? Why?!?
Mom: They knew it wasn't meant to be honey. She moved onto someone else a couple of months ago.
Me: Oh crap. I didn't know that.
Mom: I found out from a couple of people. Patty called me and told me he has been moping around but he is getting better.
Me: How are the twin boys?
Mom: They are with Patty and Wayne in California and Aaron took full custody of them so now he is alone in his house in New York.
Me: Oh okay. Do you mind if Sapphire stays here with you tonight I think I need my alone time with him.
Mom: She is my granddaughter of course honey.
Me: Okay. Let me go tell her.
Mom: Okay.

I walked into the living room to see Sapphire with her grandpa and her aunts.

Of course I gave my family the love hugs and kisses and such and then I told Sapphire to follow me.

Sapphire: Momma are you ok?
Me: Yea honey I'm hanging in there.
Sapphire: What are we going to do?
Me: We are going to be staying with grandma for awhile since she missed us and then we will see what our next move is. Okay?
Sapphire: Yeah that is okay. Are you going to see dad later?
Me: Yeah honey. I am.
Sapphire: Can he come over tomorrow and see me?
Me: Yeah I am going to see if he can come by and see you honey.
Sapphire: Thanks momma, I love you.
Me: Your welcome sweetie, I love you more.

I gave my daughter a hug and kiss on the head and I prayed for her future not to be like mine and I prayed every single night for her to have a better life than me. My son I knew was going to be okay with Rebecca so I wasn't too worried about him even though I loved him very very much. My daughter I was worried about more.

I went upstairs to change and then I told everyone bye and left to Aaron's place in the city.

I was there in an hour and I rang the bell and he came to the door with a smile on his face. It had been awhile since I saw him.

Aaron: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey Aaron.
Aaron: What brings you here?
Me: Do you think God was watching over us this whole time and told us that if it was meant to be it would be with us?
Aaron: Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I really was thinking that but then again I wasn't sure. Why do you ask?
Me: I thought Cody was the one but then on the plane here while Sapphire was asleep next to me I turned on my Spotify and Live Forever was the first song that came on.
Aaron: Really? Why do you think that is?
Me: Maybe we just had some bad timing in the beginning and now that we learned what we didn't want and want I think we would be able to talk more now without fighting.
Aaron: Yeah I like that idea. I have some pizza I made in the dining room. Let's go eat.
Me: Okay, sounds good.

As Aaron and I were eating it was a peaceful moment between him and I and then he brought up Connor.

Aaron: How is Connor?
Me: He's good. He has a girlfriend named Rebecca now. He lives with her and is going to college soon in Arizona.
Aaron: That's so great. I'm happy for him.
Me: Yeah he looks and reminds me of you.
Aaron: I guess those genetics were strong.
Me: Yeah I guess so.
Aaron: Jess and Giancarlo were asking about you today they should be coming over here tomorrow if you want to stop by and bring Sapphire with you.
Me: Yeah she actually wanted to see you.
Aaron: Oh I'm glad. I want to spend some time with her.
Me: I think she would like that.
Aaron: You know the other night I was on the phone with my parents and my mom found a picture of us from when we first met.
Me: The one on the pitcher's mound at the stadium right?
Aaron: Mhm. She told me it might not have been good timing honey. Sarah will come back to talk to you when she is ready.
Me: Your mom is right. I miss your parents but I know they have the twins.
Aaron: Yeah they do.
Me: I'm glad you have them. I'm sorry what happened with Sabrina.
Aaron: Things happen for a reason. I'm sorry what happened with Cody.
Me: I really don't want to talk about that. Honestly I cut him off as well and his family for now. I really don't wanna go back to that.
Aaron: Trust me I understand.
Me: I still have stuff back in Cali but when I eventually go back I'm going to pack it up and bring it back here. I'm looking for houses near by so Sapphire can see you more often.
Aaron: That would be nice thanks. When the twins come back next week you can see them also.
Me: Thanks.

We chatted here and there until Aaron got a FaceTime from his brother. John didn't know I was in the house so Aaron kept me out of the video until he was ready to bring me in.

John: Hey brother. How are things? I'm sorry about Sabrina.
Aaron: Hey. Don't worry about it. That's in the past. Things are good.
John: Anything new?
Aaron: Nope. Just finished eating dinner and about to go to bed soon. The twins are with mom and dad in Cali and they don't come back until next week.
John: Oh that's nice. You look a bit off?
Aaron: Actually there is someone who wants to say hi.
John: Okay.

I popped into the FaceTime and John's eyes bugged out of his head.

John: Sarah?!? Hey!!!! How are you?!?
Me: I'm good John. How are things with you?
John: They are good.
Me: How's the family?
John: Family is good. Why are you with Aaron? What happened with Cody?
Me: Yeah I would rather not talk about it.
John: Oh man. I'm sorry Sarah.
Me: Yeah I would rather not talk about it.
John: You know Sarah I completely understand but you don't think God does things for a reason.
Me: Yeah I was thinking that.
John: Maybe Aaron needed you more than you needed him.
Me: Maybe. I said to him when Sapphire was asleep next to me on the plane Live Forever was the first song that came on my Spotify.
John: That's fate Sarah but I'm glad you two are talking again. I have to run and cook dinner for the family so I will talk to you guys soon.
Aaron: Okay bro. Bye.
Me: Bye John.
John: Bye guys.

Aaron and I just sat on the couch afterwards and we decided to take things slow between us. We didn't want to move too fast but I told my mom I was going to stay the night and she got back to me with an okay.

Aaron: Do you want to stay in the guest room?
Me: Actually can I stay with you? I know this might be fast.
Aaron: No no. I would love you to.
Me: I just don't want to be alone right now.
Aaron: I know I understand. I have clothes for you so don't worry.
Me: Thanks. I have a toothbrush and stuff with me but no clothes.
Aaron: That's fine Sarah.

I walked into the bathroom upstairs to get myself together and wearing Aaron's clothes again was pretty nice. He was different I know for a fact.

Me: You seem different now.
Aaron: Yeah my parents said the same thing.
Me: I'm glad they noticed.
Aaron: Yeah me too.
Me: We should keep us for the DL right now.
Aaron: That's fine. I don't mind.

I cuddled up into him and it felt good having him close again.

Aaron: This was fate Sarah.
Me: Yeah maybe it was fate Aaron.

He leaned down to kiss my cheek and I smiled and gave him one back.

This was a step in the right direction so it was nice.

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