Fatherly Advice from Clay Bellinger. Mending Moments.

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Aaron and I invited Clay over today because he said he wanted to speak to us about what was going on. Aaron thought it was a good idea to hear him out and to give us advice on what we should do next.

Sapphire was with Jess and G for the day so they could spend some time with her.

Clay: Sarah.
Me: Yes?
Clay: On behalf of my son I would not like to apologize for him but what I want to say is that his intention was not to hurt you.
Me: I understand Clay but he did hurt me. How can I find him in a store in public with that rat.
Clay: Sarah, I do not know how she got there but to be honest with you I have a feeling you should hear him out.
Me: I do not want to speak to him. If he desperately wants to speak to me then he can come find me himself and I will see if I can let him in or not. I am frustrated and hurt by his behavior.
Clay: Sarah, trust me I understand.
Me: Then you can tell him to come find me if he really wants for me to speak to him again. I trusted him with every single fuckin ounce of my being and this is how he treats me! I'm sick and tired of men thinking they can play games with me and pretend like they didn't. It doesn't work like that.
Clay: You are right Sarah. I am going to go now but I want to tell Aaron just one thing in private.
Me: Okay that's fine.

Clay walked with Aaron to the kitchen while I stayed in the living room.

Clay: I want you to take care of her and make sure she is okay.
Aaron: Absolutely.
Clay: Aaron you have changed and I do love that about you. Personally I know the relationship you had with Sarah in the past was a lesson but Sapphire and Connor are two wonderful kids and you have half the credit for while Sarah has the other half. Thank you for those kids. They have taught me so much and they aren't even my grand kids. I want them to actually have me as a resort of guidance though just in case. It is up to you and Sarah though if things don't work out with her and Cody.
Aaron: I want them to be inspired by you and many other people I choose Clay. Thank you.
Clay: No thank you Aaron. You have changed so much and I appreciate that.
Aaron: I just needed to clean up my act and realize that I still have kids.
Clay: That's what I love.

As they both walked out of the kitchen I smiled because I knew Aaron had a positive conversation with Clay.

Clay: Sarah if my son doesn't come to see you this week I'm gonna have a serious talk with him.
Me: Thanks Clay. Talk soon.
Clay: Welcome Sarah. Talk soon.

He walked out of the house feeling content that he got to speak with me but he isn't at fault for this his son is and if Cody wanted to come and speak to me well he needs to grow a pair and man up to his mistake.

I walked back to the living room with Aaron sitting on the couch and I sat next to him with a smile on my face.

Aaron: That is a smile I haven't seen in a long time.
Me: Yeah, I don't have much to smile about these days but Clay is right about you. You have changed and I'm proud you realized how to clean up your act.
Aaron: Yeah I'm glad I did also Sarah. My kids need me.
Me: Speaking of kids, Connor and Rebecca are flying from Arizona next week to see us. He wants to get your approval of Rebecca.
Aaron: Okay, that sounds nice. I'm glad you like her and Sapphire does as well.
Me: Sapphire gets along with her and she's a church girl so that is where Connor met her.
Aaron: I'm sure I'm going to like her then but if he thinks I should get to know her and meet her I will have my word ready.
Me: Okay, how are the twins?
Aaron: They should be coming home either tomorrow or the day after.
Me: Okay, is it two girls or two boys?
Aaron: Two boys, Ryan and Kyle.
Me: I can't wait to meet them. How old are they?
Aaron: Five.
Me: Wow time flew by.
Aaron: Yeah they are grown now.
Me: Mhm. Do you ever want Sabrina to come see them?
Aaron: I told her she has to get permission from either me or my parents to see them.
Me: Oh okay that's fair.
Aaron: Do you think you, Sapphire and Connor will get along with them?
Me: They should be like older siblings to them so I don't see why not.
Aaron: Okay, I just want things to go well.
Me: I understand honey.
Aaron: You just called me honey.
Me: I'm sorry, too fast?
Aaron: No no, I like it.
Me: Okay. 😊

As the day went on Aaron and I talked for a little while until Sapphire walked through the door.

Sapphire: Hey guys, what's up?
Me: Not much. How was your day?
Sapphire: It was nice. Uncle G and Aunt Jess are really cool. I love spending time with them.
Me: I'm glad you do honey.
Aaron: Sapphire, can I speak to you honey?
Sapphire: Sure dad.
Aaron: The twins that I had with Sabrina they are now your younger siblings so are you going to be okay with having them around. Their names are Ryan and Kyle. They are both five.
Sapphire: Yeah, I should be okay with them. Connor I believe is going to love having younger siblings to look after when he can and I heard Rebecca loves kids also so I don't see why not.
Aaron: Okay good, I want to make sure it was okay with you guys.
Sapphire: Thanks for asking dad.
Aaron: Thank you for understanding. I'm sorry for missing so much of your life Sapphire. I missed a lot of Connor's also and it isn't fair to you guys or your mother for my behavior.
Sapphire: Dad what matters is that you care now.
Aaron: You are right. I just don't want to lose you, your brother, your mom, or the twins. I want to be better for all of you.
Sapphire: You have been dad. I love you.
Aaron: I love you too honey bear. 🥰

Aaron pulled his daughter in for a hug and my heart was mended. It was nice to see that again. I know she wanted to always be close to her father. It is nice to actually see it happen though.

Sapphire walked upstairs to her room to go and read and to have sometime to herself before she came down for dinner later.

Aaron: I'm glad that worked.
Me: Thank you for that.
Aaron: I told you I am not leaving.
Me: I know. Thank you.
Aaron: I promise.
Me: Thank you.
Aaron: Your welcome.

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