Bro Talks and Family Bondings.

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Blake woke up the next morning and he left a note for me on the table saying he was going to meet Aaron and he would see me later.

I got myself ready before I had to submit an article about Blake that he didn't know about that Steven thought would be a good idea.

I told Casey to come over and help me since Taylor moved to NY with his family and he took Kings and Junior to the zoo.

Casey: Hi Sarah. What's up?
Me: I'm writing a personal article for the Nets about Blake but he doesn't know about it. Steven asked me to write one to him like I was writing my wedding vows which I'm going to have to do soon.
Casey: Just be in love with the article like you are in love with him.
Me: Yeah that's what Steven said.
Casey: That's what I would do. Anyways I'm writing an article about Aaron anyways.
Me: Oh that's nice.
Casey: Yeah I'm putting him in this baseball magazine for most influential ball players of our time. The magazine heard I worked for the Heat and now the Knicks and they want me to write the article about him but if I'm missing anything I want to come to you about it.
Me: Oh yeah sure. Maybe we can help each other out.
Casey: That's what I was thinking.

Casey and I went to work in the kitchen with our articles and many hours passed until Taylor walked in since his wife had the kids for the day with Kings and Junior.

Rose and Jeter went with Aaron and Blake so they were in good hands.

Taylor: Hey you two. What are you ladies up to?
Me: Writing an article about your brother that Steven suggested I write to boost the Nets content.
Casey: About Aaron for a magazine for most influential ball players.
Taylor: They are very lucky to have you both in their lives.
Casey: Yeah that is what Aaron said the other day.
Me: Yeah Blake told me the same thing. I'm done actually before I submit this to Steven and since Casey read it already Taylor you want to read it.
Kings and Junior: Can we read it also?
Taylor: Yeah come read it with me guys.

Once they were finished they all had smiles including Casey on their faces.

Me: Is it good?
Taylor: Sarah this is beautiful. He's going to love it when he reads it.
Me: Yeah I was thinking that. I'm going to create a Nets Magazine page and work from there.
Taylor: I know he is going to love it.
Casey: You see I told you Sarah.
Kings and Junior: You really love our dad Sarah and it shows.
Me: Thank you all. I appreciate it.

After an hour I submitted the article to Steven and a couple of minutes later he said he would publish it in a couple of days and let me know what the players think since they give him the feedback.

Casey did the submission for Aaron's article also to the magazine and they said the article would be the front cover of the magazine in a couple of weeks. Casey was over the moon about it and she couldn't wait for Aaron to read it.

Blake and Aaron walked through the door and they walked over to give us a kiss.

Aaron: I feel better. Thanks man for today.
Blake: You're welcome. Anything you call me okay.
Aaron: Yeah thanks.

Casey and I smiled while holding Rose and Jeter.

Me: I'm glad you guys had a good day.
Aaron: Yeah we did. Rose was happy to have us around and Jeter got a thousand pets on the head from randoms in the park. 🤣
Me: Typical Jeter.

Giancarlo came over later on with Jess randomly and they smiled when they saw Aaron getting closer with Casey. The fact that she was sitting on his lap made Giancarlo smile.

Giancarlo: Aaron you look good man.
Aaron: Thanks G.
Giancarlo: What's gotten into you?
Aaron: I spent the day with Blake talking and he pretty much helped me.
Giancarlo: We are glad.
Jess: Yeah Aaron we are.

Aaron looked down at his phone and I saw a couple of tears rolling down his face after reading something I guess.

Aaron: Case I got this article from Baseball America about influential ball players of all time and they said you wrote an article about me?

Blake and I smiled at them.

Casey: Yeah I did.

Aaron leaned in to kiss her and she smiled into it. I knew that feeling because I do that with Blake all the time.

Casey: You know why I wrote it?
Aaron: Why?
Casey: Because you deserve it and with the help of Sarah I knew she was going to be honest about you and she saw most of your career that some of us didn't see. She told me  what I should think about writing and I went from there.
Aaron: Thank you.
Casey: The full article should be out in a couple of days the company said.

As the rest of us were gathered around in the living room it was just a nice silence in the room.

Me: I don't remember the last time there was a silence this nice in the room in a long time.

Blake: You know babe I completely agree. I really do. I just wish Gerrit and Joey would see how much Aaron changed so maybe we can invite them to the engagement party earlier to talk to him.
Aaron: You don't have to do that man.
Blake: I want them back in your life. You changed a lot Aaron and it is about time they see that.
Aaron: Yeah maybe it is.

Casey was still close to him on the couch rubbing the back of his neck giving him light kisses on his forehead and Sarah was doing the same with Blake.

Jess: You two really are the same couple but just different in some ways. Like look at the way you two rub the back of their necks and you play with their hair and give them forehead kisses. That reminds me of Giancarlo and I back in high school.

Casey: Sarah and I are really similar but different and that is probably a good thing. Lol. Makes getting along much easier.
Me: I would say so.
Giancarlo: It still scares me how much they look alike. 🤣
Aaron: I mean we do kinda look alike but we are different people.
Blake: Yeah I would say so.
Casey: His back muscles are my favorite. I'm sorry that was random but man I get hot when I look at them.
Me: Haha. Trust me I'm the same with this one. The way he looks in a towel coming out of the shower.
Casey: The heat radiation. 😍
Me: Oh yeah girl.

Taylor: You two know you are sitting next to them right?
Me: I'm sorry I'm just in the mood don't mind me.
Casey: Same. 🤣

Everyone was laughing at how similar Casey and I were and we couldn't get enough of it. 🤣

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